Results |
The following data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires to a prison in Suffolk. The sample taken was that of 50 inmates, 20 prison officers and the Governor of the prison. The information received was collated, analysed and displayed through graphs. As there was only one set of responses from the Governor it would be impractical to put the results in graphical form. Therefore I will highlight the result of his responses to questions.... The Governor sees the prison as a place that rehabilitates its inmates, and that they achieve this through offering education, leisure activities, job training and rehabilitation courses. He adds that prison has taught some inmates to behave, yet the current system is largely an ineffective one. He justifies this view by stating that in his own experience most criminals do Reoffending after they have been released. When reviewing his response one cannot help but seeing a few contradictions. In one answer he states that prison rehabilitates the inmates, yet later he goes on to say that most criminals re offend?? He believes that the taking away of an individuals liberty is the ultimate punishment, yet those who are re convicted and end up back inside cant be that bothered. He does however admit that the prison system is an ineffective one, which is the key question within the questionnaire given. Prison inmates: Interpreting results
Prison staff: Interpreting results
Whilst little can be drawn from the results gained one apparent theme is the faith displayed by both prison staff and the inmates they work with, whereby a large proportion of both groups felt that inmates would not Reoffending upon release. This is in stark contrast to the reality, that is that 2/3 of those released will commit further offences. The public: Interpreting results