Rambo II |
Rambo is the best combat vet I have ever seen, a pure fighting machine with only the desire to win a war that someone else lost.
The film opens with Rambo undertaking some hard labour in prison - he is met by Colonel Trautman who offers him a way out. He tells Rambo that there is a covert operation planned in the far east - Thailand - and that Rambo was picked as he could sucessfully complete the mission. He explains that if the mission is sucessful Rambo could receive a pardon - and Rambo agrees. The film then moves to Thailand. Here we see Rambo meet Marshall Murdoch, special ops, who tells him that he needs Rambo to infiltrate POW camp in Vietnam and 'take photographs' which will prove that Americans are being held - he is told not to engage the enemy. Murdoch added that the extractionof the prisoners will be organised by Colonel Trautman. Rambo is told that he has 36 hours to get in and out, and that he must make it to te extraction site. He is then dropped behind enemy lines. Once there he meets his local contact, a woman called Co Bao. They travel upstream and eventually arrive at the POW camp, which looks deserted. Meanwhile back at HQ Murdock suggests thart Rambo may be dead, and seems reluctant to send out the extraction team. Rambo infiltrates the camp and discovers that it is inhabitated, and that POW's are being held in cages. He takes one of the hostages and leads him out of the camp. However his movements are spotted by a few of the camps soldiers - leaving Rambo to quickly dispose of them. The three individuals escape - yet back at the camp doscoveries of the bodies are made. Rambo makes it to the river and the chopper races to the extraction point - however the boat crew sell them out and a battle results - with Rambo killing all of the crew. A pursuing boat pours bullets into Rambo's boat, yet the three of them escape the boat and make it ashore. Rambo makes it to the rendezvous point - yet upon relaying the good news at HQ Murdock instructs the helicopter to abort the mission and the chopper leaves Rambo and the POW, who are caught by the Vietnamese army. Trautman confronts Mordock and works out the whole thing was a sham - they don't want to find anything but rather feed the USA with a lie - there are no POW's in these camps. Meanwhile Rambo is returned to the camp as a POW, and things don't look too good for him when the Russian Army arrive. He meets Lt Colonel Padosky, who interrogates him for information and tells him about the aborted mission. Rambo survives electrocution and is assisted in his escape by Co, but not before telling Murdoch that he is coming for him. Tradegy hits Rambo when Co is killed by some of the Vietnamese soldiers, and n turn he rampages through the Russian and Vietnamese armies. He kills en mass, evades capture and commandeers a Russian helicopter. After destroying the camp and releasing the POW's Rambo escapes in the same helicopter and heads back to HQ......and a date with Murdoch.