Halloween III |
"One more day till Halloween...silver shamrock" This film is aptly titled 'The night no one came home,' there is no follow on story from Halloween 2 and above all there is no Michael Myers. What we have is a film that is still based on the night of Halloween, but it veers completely away from the Michael Myer's storyline. However it must be noted that at this stage is was John Carpenter himself who felt that the Myer's story line could not be extended further. Therefore instead of the usual slaying of people and the obsessive drives of Myer's, the story focuses on a toy company, Silver Shamrock, which is discovered to be a front for an evil pagan cult who want to sacrifice millions of children. The company aim to do this by mass marketing Halloween masks, yet the star of the show (a doctor) discovers the fact that upon the broadcast of a special advert a device hidden within each of the masks is activated. This 'device' appears to be some form of microchip which contains a piece of Stonehenge rock, and when activated snakes and insects erupt from the wearers head and they die!! It is therefore up to the doc to stop the evil plotter and his company from killing thousands of young innocents.....and there isn't one sign of Michael Myers!!!!