Friday 13th - Part X |
"We tried everything....electrocution, gas, firing squad....we even tried hanging him once"
The film opens with Jason chained up in some government facility. Some official agent and a fair entourage of army personnel attend with the intentions of transporting Mr Vorhees to another facility, due to his unique ability to regenerate lost and damaged tissue and the opportunity of further research. However things go wrong and five minutes later we witness multiple deaths and a rampaging Jason - yet the chriostasis unit (also within the facility) ruptures and everything, including Mr Vorhees.... We then jump to the year 2455, and a group of students visiting the planet (Earth no longer supports life) discover two preserved bodies. One is our heroine (Rowan), and I think you can guess who the other is. So at this point we have a group of space traveling students, the ships crew and security personnel, a re-animated Rowan and a defrosting Jason. This is not quite Crystal lake and the teenage campers he loves to decapitate, but Im sure we will hear no complaints from Jason. Watch out in this film for some of his more 'unusual' methods of extinguishing human life.