Friday 13th - Part VIII |
"Jason came back to get even..."
This film starts on the waters of Lake Crystal....a boat bobs along the calm surface and two teenage lovers are doing more than just looking for treasure. Here we recap the legend of Jason, how he drowned in the lake and his mothers blamed the counseller for his death. Despite the vengeance enacted by his mother, it is Jason who constantly comes back to get even by killing everyone that crosses his path. As we remember from the last film Jason lies not too far from the story tellers, and it isn't long before we witness his resurrection once again. Its the end of the school year and the graduating class (of which our couple on the boat are but two) are :New York bound on a cruise. The ship, Lazarus, sets sail with a mass of teenagers, a couple of teachers and a strange janitor who warns that the voyage is doomed. When we see Jason hitching a ride (Did anyone check his boarding pass??) we know that the words of the janitor may not be that inaccurate. Either way we are left wit a few survivors who scramble to shore, and Jason gets to taste life in the big apple. Watch out for one of my favourite death scenes which involve a fist fight between Jason and a boxer, its a priceless moment!!