Halloween Resurrection |
"Michael Myer's is a killer - he gets kicks out of killing everything and everyone he comes across."
If we can remember the end of H20 Laurie Strode decapitates Michael....so for him to come home on this occasion he would need to either find a way of putting his head back onto his body....or undertake a Jasonesque idea of transferring his soul through different bodies........wrong!!! What we saw in the last film was Laurie decapitate someone in a Michael mask - ingenious - In flashbacks to the H20 ending we see Michael switch roles with a paramedic in the confusion that ensued. The paramedic didn't say anything as his larynx had been crushed....so Laurie killed the wrong person. As a result the beginning of this film is set three years on from that night, October 31st 2001...and Laurie is stuck in a sanitarium still tortured by past events....yet still prepared for her brothers return. It's not long before he breaks into the sanitarium and finally adds closure to one of the stories which has been the main thrust of the whole Halloween series. However the big question I ask at this stage is 'where is her son?? (H20). Well eitherway Michael seems unconcerned and returns.....home. Back at the Myer's place it seems that a few unsuspecting fools (Busta Rhymes and pals) have arranged a big brother style get together - six people have been 'chosen' to spend the night in America's worst mass murderers home!! The house has been rigged with several cameras and each of the six chosen individuals will be fixed with a camera - for all on the Internet to watch and follow. Of course no - one seems to notice the early vanishing of a camera man, and with the addition of Myer's props to boost ratings the dwellers are led into a false sense of security that everything is a hoax!! However it isn't long before they actually grasp the fact that Michael has been resident at the house for some time...and he doesn't take kindly to trespassers!!