Amityville 3D |
"The worst nightmare doesn't even come close and I will never go back in there, never."
The third installment begins with a séance held in the Amityville house, with Harold and Emma Coswell renting the house to conduct their 'business.' However it turns out this particular séance was a fake, as the couple were actually two reporters from Reveal Magazine, who expose the seances as nothing but a sham. They are accompanied by Dr Elliot West, a psychic researcher, and someone from the DA's office. When the two reporters return to the house the following day they meet the owner, Sanders, who states that he cant get rid of the house for any amount of money. However John Baxter, one of the two reporters, offers to buy the house for himself following a recent divorce from his wife. Whilst his estranged wife is not happy at the prospect of their daughter going to the house, his daughter (Susan) and her friend Lisa (Meg Ryan) seemed overjoyed at the prospect of visiting her dads 'haunted house.' Meanwhile Baxters reporting partner, Melanie, notices that all the photos taken which included Sanders, his face was disfigured. Coupled with Sander's death whilst in the house, and Melanie's own experiences in the house when left alone, it isn't long before she warns her work colleague that his life is in danger. Of course Baxter is a fairly rational guy and he refuses to listen to warnings that the house is evil, and for him the penny doesn't even drop when Melanie dies in mysterious circumstances. Susan and Lisa cant seem to keep away from the house, during which time they uncover a well in the basement (through which spirits will rise up to claim their land), hold their own séance in the house, and poor Susan meets her maker. However Nancy, Susan's mother, sees her daughter in the Amityville House (even though she was dead) and doesn't seem to comprehend that her daughter had died. Baxter thinks his ex needs psychiatric help, but when Dr Elliot proposes that he investigates the house they discover that strange things are in fact occurring in the house, and that the well seems to be the catalyst for the supernatural activity.....