Amityville Dollshouse |
"And jesus said to the man who was possessed, and what is your name, and the man said legion, for we are many."
Following the burning down of the Amityville House in 3D, some guy had the bright idea of building another house on the land and keeping the original fireplace, which obviously survived the inferno. The guy, Bill Martin, then decides that it would be a good idea to move his son and daughter, and his new wife Claire, and her son, into the house. Not long after they move in Bill discovers a large dolls house in the shed, which strangely enough resembles the Amityville House. After the cycle he brought his daughter for her birthday mysteriously breaks, Bill is forced to give the dolls house to his daughter as a substitute. However it emenates a puff of smoke and Jessica feels extremely ill, with only her Aunty Marla immediately realising that this dolls house is bad news. Jessica soon realises that whatever happens in the dolls house occurs in the house in which they live, and when the family mouse is killed in the dolls house and the fire keeps mysteriously turning itself on the signs that all is not well are evident. Claire's son, Jimmy, then meets his dead father, who encourages him to kill Bill, Claire seems to have developed an uncontrollable attraction to Bills eldest son Todd, and Todd's girlfriend is set on fire by the dolls house. The family seems to be disintegrating before our eyes, and the intensity of such occurrences seem to increase with each occasion. We learn that Bill has a psychic gift in that his dreams can forecast the future, and at this point his visions suggest that he will lose all of his family. He realises that he must get his family out of the house, and destroy the dolls house, but given the damage already caused by the evil within the house, and the fact that the dolls house has plans of its own, is there any chance for all of the family to escape the clutches of the Amityville curse??