Amityville VI Its About Time |
"It only moved as where it was safe, it is no longer. It must find a new home."
Jacob Stirling returns to his home from a business trip and brings with him a present - a rather ugly, old fashioned clock. His former lover Andrea, who had looked after the kids, isn't to impressed - and come to think of it neither are his two teenage kids, Lisa and Rusty. As the clock gets used to its new home, strange things start to happen. Jacob is savaged by the local dog and stabs it in self defence - yet when the family go to investigate the dog has no marks on it - what's going on?? With Andrea having to stay on to look after Jacob, Rusty and the busy body neighbour, Mrs Wheeler, begin to suspect that something sinister is afoot. As Jacobs physical and mental health deteriorates, he becomes more and more sinister. The other members of the family begin to experience strange occurrences, and things only get worse when Andrea's current nerdy boyfriend, Leonard the psychiatrist, turns up at the house and stays. This idiot attempts to make sense of what is going on through medical reasoning, and wants Andrea to leave the house asap...yet it isn't long until he too becomes the victim of the eerie goings on in the house!! So its left to Rusty and Mrs Wheeler to sort this mess out, or at least make sense of it. She believes that the families front room is a link to a 15th century school room, where a teacher used to take his most talented pupils, kill and subsequently eat them- yet the common theme seems to be the presence of that clock!! However her findings prove to be her downfall, and as Jacob and then his daughter start behaving even more strangely, and Leonard is found hanging, it seems like the end for the family. Can Andrea save the family, and will she be able to save her beloved Leonard (I hope not)???...and remember - its about time.