The Entity |
"You'll wait till im alone wont'll come forth to kill hurt my children."
Carla Moran seems just like an ordinary woman, a mother of three children living in the suburbs and going about her life as anyone else would. However within five minutes Carla, who is sat in her bedroom, is hit in the face, pushed onto the bed and raped by some invisible entity. She runs out of the house with her children, Billy, Julie and Kim, and stays at confides in her friend Cindy that she had been raped. Her friends response is to recommend a psychiatrist, and when this entity tries to kill Carla whilst in her car she takes her friends advice and visits Dr Scheidermann. He recommends she sit some tests, but when she arrives back home to take a relaxing bath she is again raped by this entity. Bruises, fingermarks and her accounts are not enough for the Doc, and he feels that she is hallucinating and may have some issues with her emotional development. The attacks continue and her children even witness one attack, yet no–one believes her, until she stumbles across a couple of para psychologists who investigate the phenomenon. A struggle ensues between Scheidermann and the para–psychologists, each believing that they know what's best for Carla. An admittance to hospital for Carla results in the Para's believing that they have the answer – they need to isolate the entity and immobilise it. They set up an experimental environment that mirrors her house, and rig up some liquid helium to freeze the restless spirit, but it doesn't quite go according to plan. This film is certainly worth the watch, and the disturbing, graphic images only add to intensify the fear and horror one will experience when watching this film – certainly a classic. Perhaps the edginess is added to by the fact that this story was based on an actual occurrence, and that the real Mrs Moran is still alive (or at least she was at the time of the film release) and is still experiencing such attacks.