Carrie |
"Thought to be the ability to move or to cause changes to objects by force of the mind."
Carrie White is one of those poor girls who is at the brunt of the other girls jokes, the girl that no–one talks to and everyone else sees as strange. We first see her taking a shower after games, and when her period begins she panics and doesn't know what is happening to her the other girls strive to make her life a misery. However her teacher, Miss Collins, comes to her rescue, and comforts her as best she can. However Carries distress results in the light blowing, and later in the Heads office an ashtray flies off his desk. It seems obvious that this is not only a girl who knows little about life, but one that possesses a strange power. We learn that her mother is some kind of religious nut who sees everything as a sin, and abuses her physically and mentally through her religious beliefs. Back at school Miss Collins takes it upon herself to punish the girls involved, and even threatens them with expulsion and non attendance to the prom night. Whilst one of the girls, Chris, refuses to comply, the others get on with their alternative punishment of detentions, and Sue even goes a step further by asking her boyfriend Tommy if he will escort Carrie to the prom, giving her the opportunity to mix with others and make up for their nasty behaviour. Meanwhile Carrie begins to understand her power, reading up on it and discovering the concept of telekenisis. The balance of power transfers at home, with her abusive mother believing this to be the devils work, and Carrie attends the prom with Tommy. However Chris, bitter at missing the prom, blames Carrie and plots revenge with her boyfriend Billy (John Travolta) on prom night...... Will Carrie finally be able to live a normal life??? What cruel revenge is planned by Chris and company?? And how, will the power she possesses, will Carrie react??? And what of her disturbed mother??? This is a classic film with a devastating ending....