Pet Sematary |
"Sometimes dead is better..the indians stopped using the burial ground and it went sour...the place is evil."
The Creed family have just moved into their new house, with the family consisting of mum Rachel, dad Louis and children Gage and Ellie. The family soon notice a path at the bottom of the garden, and accompanied by their neighbour Jud, they find that it leads to a pet semetary, which is mostly filled with pets killed on the nearby busy road. After his wife and kids go off to see her parents, Jud informs Louis that his daughters cat, Church, has died on the very same road. Instead of burying it at the pet semetary Jud takes Louis beyond, and they bury the cat on ancient indian burial ground, and before long the cat is back at home...alive. Jud explains to Louis that when he was young his own dog died, and an old rag man told him about the burial ground that brought the living back. Meanwhile Louis, who is a doctor, keeps having ghostly visions of a guy whom he tried to save at work, with this ghost attemtping to warn him about something. Later on in the film we again see something else become the victim of the busy road, Louis's son Gage. Jud realsies whats going through Louis's mind and tries to put him off, recalling the only other time a human was bureid up there, resulting in disasterous consequences. hen his daughter and wife go to her parents, Louis digs up his son and buries him on this ancient ground, but when his son comes back he is not as he used to be. Rachel knows that something is wrong, and aided by the ghost familiar to Louis she makes her way back home to find out what is going on....but with disasterous conseqiuences. Can his wife make it back in time? and how does Gage present after being killed, and then brought back to life just like the family cat? Unlike many horror films there is no happy ever after ending, and there are a few good twists, Also look out for the cameo role desinged for Mr Steven King....