Pumpkinhead |
"It only kills what it is called upon to kill...and them that get its way."
The year is 1957, and Tom and Emily Harley put their son to bed and lock up the house, yet on this night their seems to be something more intense and frightening about the way Tom goes about this...he seems frightened. A knock at the door from a man being chased by something in the forest leads Tom to shout that he cant let the man in, and that he must go away. Of course little boys in horror films are curious creatures, and when he looks out of the window he sees some strange, evil looking creature kill the man who wanted to come into their house..... The film then switches to the present day and that boy, Ed Harley, is now in his 40s and a father to one son himself. He has his own grocery store and on this particular day it is visited by a group of teenagers on their way to an isolated cabin for a bit of a holiday. They are also into motor biking, and whilst Ed leaves his son Billy at the store whilst he collects an order, one of the teenage bikers knocks over and kills Harley's son. They panic and flee, leaving Harley to pick up his sons body and wreak his revenge on those kids. Recalling his youth when he saw that creature seeking out and killing the man on the run, he decides that he must be avenged by calling up Pumpkinhead. To do this he seeks out an evil old woman, Haggis, who resides in a desolate, creepy cabin. She tells him that this has a price, and he wastes no time in digging this thing up and returning to Haggis's lair. We discover that it is buried in some weird graveyard, and that it got its name as it originally came from an old pumpkin patch graveyard. It isn't long before Pumpkinhead rampages up to the cabin where the teens are staying, and he begins the quest for Harley's vengeance. As the kids panic and reduce in numbers, Harley seems to have a conscience afterall and he decides that this thing must be stopped. He is told that it must take its course, but he is adamant that he must save the kids and kill Pumpkinhead. But what is the ultimate price, and can Ed save any of the teens before they meet with Pumpkinhead....