Once you see death up close, then you know what the value of life is.
Simone (Tanedra Howard) and Eddie (Marty Moreau),
two predatory
lenders, are placed in head harnesses with screws poised to drill into their
skulls. The person who cuts off more flesh weight in 60 seconds will live, while
the other will be killed by the screws. The overweight Eddie slices fat from his
stomach, but Simone chops off her arm to tip the scale in her favor and save
Dan Erickson (Mark Rolston) heads up the
FBI’s investigation into Eddie’s death, with Peter Strahm's fingerprints being found at the
scene. He informs Lieutenant Mark Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) of
this, also revealing that Lindsey Perez (Athena Karkanis),
previously thought dead from her accident involving Jigsaw's puppet, is alive
and still on the case. Hoffman secretly meets with Jill Tuck (Betsy Russell), who hands him five envelopes from
the box from John's will, and he takes control of a game the two have been
planning. Hoffman also questions Simone in her hospital room; however, having
lost her arm, she is too hysterical to understand what she's to have
The game focuses on William Easton (Peter Outerbridge),
an executive at a health insurance company. His company decides whom to cover
based strictly on probabilities of health or illness; he turned down one of
John’s claims for this very reason; it is also revealed that he met John at the
opening of Jill's clinic. William is captured, taken to an abandoned zoo, and suspended in a large vise clamped around his torso, with a breathing mask over
his face. Hank (Gerry
Mendicino), his janitor and a smoker, is in the same situation. William has
60 minutes to pass four tests in order to remove the bombs strapped to his limbs
before they detonate. In the first test, whenever either man takes a breath, his
vise will tighten; William holds his breath longer than Hank, whose ribcage is
soon crushed. For the second test, William must grab the ends of two chains
connected to platforms on which Addy and Allen, his old secretary and young file
clerk, are standing with barbed wire nooses around their necks, and ultimately
choose to save one and let the other die. The two are opposites: Addy is in poor
health but is surrounded by family, while Allen is healthy but has nobody. He
chooses to save Addy, reluctantly allowing Allen to strangle to death when his
platform retracts.
The third test takes place in a boiler room. Debbie, the company attorney,
has 90 seconds to run a caged-in maze and find the key to remove a device on her
chest set to fire a spike through her head. William must help her by diverting
jets of steam from her path onto himself. At the end of the maze, Debbie
discovers from X-ray films that the key is in William's side; she tries to cut
him open using a circular saw, but fails and is killed. The fourth test features
six of William's junior workers chained to a spinning carousel. A shotgun containing six shots will kill each of them at
random, but he may redirect the gun twice by pushing buttons that will drive
spikes into his hands. After making his two choices, he removes the last bomb
and reaches the end of his path with one second to spare.
He finds himself standing between two cages, with Pamela Jenkins,
his sister, in one of them and a mother and son, Tara (Shauna MacDonald) and
Brent (Devon Bostick),
in the other. The latter two are the family of a man named Harold (George Newbern) who died
not long after William denied coverage for his illness. Each cage contains a
tank of hydrofluoric
acid; Tara and Brent find a large switch whose positions are labeled “Live”
and “Die.” This test is meant for them, and they have the chance to spare his
life. Tara cannot bring herself to pull the switch, but Brent readily shifts it
to “Die.” A platform of needles swings into William's back and pumps acid into
him, dissolving his body as the three watch in horror. It is revealed during the
course of these tests that William and John first met when Jill opened her
clinic, and that John introduced Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith) to Jill as proof that his method
of rehabilitation could really work. Tension grew between Hoffman and Amanda
through their work as apprentices; John had made advance plans to cover Jill
when he dies.
Meanwhile, Erickson and Perez obtain the videotape from the death of Seth Baxter; this unsettles
Hoffman, who becomes increasingly worried about his secret being discovered. At
the lab, Perez questions Hoffman of Strahm's possible motivation in being
involved with Jigsaw, while Erickson questions Hoffman about inconsistencies at
the crime scene. The moment his voice is unscrambled, Hoffman slashes Erickson's
throat, tricks Perez into shooting the technician and stabs Perez repeatedly.
With her last breath, Perez tells Hoffman that everyone knows about him; he uses
Strahm's severed hand to plant prints around the room and then sets it on fire,
burning the bodies and evidence.
Upon his return to the zoo's observation room, he is attacked by Jill. It is
revealed that Pamela gave Jill a copy of Hoffman's letter to Amanda; he had
learned of Amanda's role in the robbery that resulted in Jill's miscarriage and
told her to kill Lynn Denlon, or he would
tell John. Jill straps Hoffman to a chair and placed an updated "Reverse Bear
Trap" on his head; the sixth envelope that she kept to herself was John's
request to capture and test him. She says, "Game over," and leaves, activating a
45-second timer. Hoffman uses the trap's weight to break his hand and release
himself, then jams the jaw clamps of the trap into the door's frame; they get
caught in the bars and he slips out, part of his mouth ripped open, and screams
toward the ceiling.
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