Puppet Master II |
The killer five are still alive...and they've got a new friend!
We open with the puppets excavating Andre Toulon's grave in the unkempt cemetery behind the Bodega Bay Hotel (setting of the first movie). They pour in a beaker of a mysterious green liquid, and putrified arms rise up out of the coffin... Meanwhile a team of psychic researchers have converged on the Hotel to investigate the goings-on of the previous movie. In their expository set-up, we find out that Alex, the sole survivor of the previous psychic team, is in an asylum somewhere, and that the previous owner of the hotel (I assume ot be the grieving widow) was brutally murdered on the premises by having her brains drawn out through her nose. On that basis the goverment took ownership...and hence the investigation. Carolyn, her brother Patrick, Wanda and Lance make up the group...ad Camille, a media psychic who turns up late.... After seeing a few strange goings on, including Toulon's collapsed grave, the puppets get to work and begin to dispatch the Inn's visitors....however the group fight back and capture one of the dolls...inevitably dissecting it. However unlike the first movie we have a new player, Andre Toulon wrapped in bandages (preservation purposes) arrives, claiming to be the rightful owner of the propert and calling himself Enrique Chanee. He is instantly attracted to Carolyn, whom is a dead ringer for his dead wife. We then learn the reason for the puppets killing...they are runing out of juice, whichthey need to function...and the primary ingredient is a certain lobe of the brain....Of course more deaths follow, and Toulon plans to transplant himself and his 'reincarnated love' into life size mannequins......any survivors??? and what of Toulon???....you will have to watch......