Puppet Master IV |
The magic that gives my puppets life was stolen from a tribe of ancient, Egyptian sorcerers, who pledged their legiance to the demon lord, Zutek.
The movie begins in the underworld where Sutekh is plotting to regain the power stolen by Toulon. A band of his followers work for him through the use of totems, little puppet-like monsters. They kill two people, both working on something called the Omega Project. The purpose of the project is to give a lifeless object artificial life and spontaneous movement. This is what Toulon had mastered and Sutekh plans to kill anyone seeking such power. A young scientist named Rick Myers is also busy working on the Omega project, and of course withi the Bodega Bay Inn, in which he is working in has an ancient truck which holds the puppets of the first three films. Whilst undertaking this research Myer's accidentally awakens some other dimensional creatures known as totems, which basically want him dead....meawhile Rick's girlfriend and her friends discover the puppets...... These totems appear to be little demonic things which have been sent by a powerful demon, whose main aim is to retrieve the life giving formula that Andre Toulon stole from him. So where do the puppets fit in.....you would think that they would also want to kill this young scientist given their past outings.....but thisis not tha case. Instead the puppets act to protect Myers, and battle these evil totems. Along the way we are also introduced to a new puppet....Decapitron.....However even the emergence of this puppet can save this instalment of Puppet Master - not to great im sad to say.....