Ginger Snaps |
See, I flattened an animal. Furry, all-fours, could be anything. But here I am thinking "lycanthrope". That's crazy, huh?....
The two Fitzgerald sisters Ginger and Brigitte are inseparable; they are fascinated by the macabre and swear to commit suicide together before they turn you do. At school they are outsiders and have no friends but that have each other. After school, on the sidelines of a hockey field, they smoke and play a game: predicting how people they know will die. As Brigitte describes Trina Sinclair's death, Trina's lackey overhears her and tells Trina, who responds by pushing Brigitte into the remains of an animal, the latest victim of the 'Beast of Baily Downs' (a beast who has been killing local pets). Ginger vows to avenge Brigette and the two sisters form a plan to kidnap Trina's dog and leave the suggestion that they had killed it. At night, as they set out to accomplish their plan, they encounter another dead dog. They decide to bring it with them to replace Trina's dog; but, as they pick it up, a leg comes off in Brigitte's grasp. Brigitte notes it is still warm and tells Ginger she has blood on her....and within seconds the Beast of Bailey Downs turnsw up and drags her into the woods. Brigitte pursues it' and finds it with its teeth sunk into Ginger and hits it with her camera until it releases Ginger. Then together they flee the woods and run across a road. The Beast follows them but is hit by a van driven by the local drug dealer, Sam. When they get home Brigitte tends to her sisters wounds....but is dumstruck at the fact that they are already healing..and after a few days hairs begin to sprout from the scratches. As the relationship between the two sisters disintegrates, largely due to Ginger's strange behaviour, It becomes clear that Ginger is on the change. Brigittde turns to Sam for help...but initially his suggestion sprove inneffective as Ginger grown thick white hair and a tail...and then people begin to perish as Ginger begins to get hungry. Brigitte discovers that one possible cure for Ginger is Monkshood - and sets about producing some at Sam's greenhouse. However Ginger has other ideas and is not going to go alomng quietly....she has people to dispose of and parties to attend.....can Sam and Brigitte bring Giner back....or is it too late???