Leprechaun I |
'Try as they will, and try as they might, who steals me gold won't live through the night.'
I think that we usually see leprechauns as nice little creatures - well not in this film!! Instead this leprechaun is a violent creature who uses his powers to harm anyone that comes between him and his gold. early in the film Daniel O'Grady steals this leprechauns gold and flees from Ireland - only to be followed by the leprechaun. However O'Grady traps the little fella in a crate and places a four leaf clover on top of the box, imprisoning him. O'Grady then attempts to incinerate the leprechaun, but ends up having a stroke!! We then move to ten years down the line - a man and his daughter (Jennifer Aniston) move into the house and stumble upon the box in the basement. Mistakenly the leprechaun is freed - and he goes n search of his beloved gold. Unfortunately one of the decorators at the house swallows one of the pieces of gold, and when the leprechaun finds that some of his gold is missing he is not happy - and therefore people must be punished....and so begins the leprechauns reign of terror. Of course inevitably those pursued by him end up tracking down O'Grady, who tells them that the only way to defeat the leprechaun is to touch him with a four leaf clover. Meanwhile the leprechaun has caught up with the idiot who swallowed his gold - and appears determined to wreak his revenge. With his new found knowledge however Alex (the youngest of the painters) does battle with the evil leprechaun.....but who will survive???? Not the best horror film ive seen ut it is the start of the leprechaun franchise and worth the watch!!