Leprechaun II |
'Scream as you may! Scream as you might! If you try to escape, you'll be dead on this night'
The story begins 1000 years ago in Ireland, when a malevolent leprechaun celebrates its 1000th birthday on St Patrick's day, which means one thing.....he can claim a bride. It seems that he can pick up a partner if she sneezes three times without anyone offering her a 'god bless you,' yes it is a little bizarre...Anyway his chosen partner happens to be the daughter of a slave, William O'Day (James Lancaster), who isnt made uop at the idea. The girl sneezes three times....but our leprechauns plans are foiled when her father offers his blessing...and sure enough its one of the last things he does! The leprechaun curses the bloodline, saying that on his next birthday (in 1000 years) he will marry the mans 'hottest' decendant.... The film then switches to present day L.A, 1000 years later, and celebrations are in full swing. Cody (Charlie heath) plans to take his girlfriend Bridget (Shevonne Durkin), who bears an uncanny resemblance to the slaves daughter, out for the night. Little does the poor guy know that he has competition...in the form of one angy, evil leprechaun....who is now free to claim his bride So as Cody (who lets face it is an idiot) and Bridget work through their relationship issues the leprechaun kills a few people and makes his way towards Bridget...in one particular scene he makes a guy think that a spinning lawnmower blade is actually Bridget....and the guy attempts to lay some mouth action on the hallucinatyion....very messy!! Our leprechaun then manages to kidnap Bridget, ibn the aim of preparing her for the wedding. However dringa struggle with Cody the irish imp dropped one of his gold coins, and has to go back to retrieve it.Meanwhile Cody and his uncle Monty learn that the midget is vulnerable to wrought iron (what about four leaf clovers???), and when they end up in a bar who do they bump into but the leprechaun. Monty decides to distract the leprechaun and challenges him to a drinking contest..... Meanwhile, Bridget tries to find her own escape from her underground prison. After the drinking festivities are over, Cody and Morty get the leprechaun into a wrought iron safe. But, being the greedy old bum he is, Morty lets him out in exchange for the imp's pot of gold. Too bad for Morty though, because th eleprechaun teleports the entire pot directly into his stomach. Poor old guy - anyway this leads us to the final battle of wits between Cody, Bridget and our little green man....