Leprechaun VI |
We've had our fun. Now give me what's mine, and I might spare your miserable life
Pretty young Emily (Tangi Miller) is a down on her luck hair dresser who falls through a hole in the ground whilst enjoying a picnic with her friends at a construction site (I know a strange place to have a picnic). Whilst waiting to be rescued from the cavern she discovers a chest full of gold coins, what luck, which she and her friends promptly spend on everything they could desire!! Of course opening the cavern and stealing the gold coins awakens the leprechaun....again....and it isnt long before our little man is makinghis way around the city, seeking out those who have stolen his gold and bringing his terrible wrath down upon them. So it is left to Emily, who is attacked herself by the leprechaun, and her remaining friends to fight off th eleprechaun and seek to imprion him again, just like every other move before this. Along similar lines, while Leprechaun 6 stays as close to the formula set by its predecessors as possible, it leaves out important parts of the leprechaun mythos. For instance, this leprechaun is simply a killing machine who tracks down those who have stolen his gold and kills them off as quickly as possible. Gone is the charm of the first few installments, where his murders capitalized on the greed of his victims. Now, instead of granting people's wishes in cruel and ironic manners, as in the past, he simply becomes another boogyman, chasing after various stock characters through the streets of the city. In my viw the leprechaun has simply become another slasher...and a seventh part must return him to his true form!!