The film opens with a brutal scene of a restrained woman giving birth who is
then killed by a mutant (Papa Hades). There follows a synopsis of the previous
movie, explaining that electronic surveillance was ordered installed in the New
Mexico military base. The scientists are then shown working on the electronic
surveillance installation and encountering problems with rats chewing the
insulation on their power cables. Some 'false' readings are seen before the
system fails. The antagonists are introduced at this point and the scientists
and their colonel are depicted meeting various untimely and gruesome ends.
Next the film cuts to an apparent military operation in Kandahar, Afghanistan
in which the troops are depicted as not being cohesive as a group and show
individual weaknesses. The operation ends when a 'civilian' woman approaches the
group and reveals multiple grenades under her garment, at this point the
operation is revealed to be a training exercise for rookie troops on US soil.
The sergeant lambastes the troops for their failure then tells them they are
going on a mission to bring supplies to scientists working on a surveillance
system in a top secret area. By this time many of the troops have their
individual characters established, namely that Napoleon is actually anti-war and
that Crank is particularly gung-ho and violent.
On arriving at the secret base there is no sign of the scientists. A garbled
radio message is received followed by a mirror signal from atop a hill. The
sergeant orders a search and rescue mission leaving behind Napoleon as
punishment for questioning this order and Amber to monitor the radio. As they
are climbing, Mickey falls into an old mine shaft, twisting his ankle in the
process but is pulled out by the sergeant who orders him to go back to base.
Napoleon and Amber discover a man, one of the missing scientists, trying to
escape from the chemical latrine who then dies from mass infection after warning
them of danger. Soon after they discover their transport vehicle in flames and
their rifles missing. Amber starts up the hill towards the others but is
attacked by one of the mutants. Mickey is returning down the hill and shoots the
mutant in the shoulder from long range, who then disappears down a hole. Mickey
gets a bit closer to Amber before a hand appears from underground and drags him
gruesomely down the hole. Napoleon and Amber retrieve his weapon and set off to
join the others, who by now have scaled a cliff and set up a rope after
discovering a second body of a scientist.
Just as Amber and Napoleon join the main group, they come under attack from
another mutant and Spitter accidentally shoots the sergeant dead. They decide to
turn back, and Spitter volunteers to carry the sergeant's body down the rope
abseil, since he feels responsible for his death. On the way down they fall, and
it is revealed the rope has been cut. Having no other way down, the group
attempts to find a way down on foot. They find a dead scientist and meet the
mortally wounded colonel, who explains briefly their enemy, including the fact
that the mutants keep the female victims alive in order to breed new mutants (in
reference to the opening scene), and the fact that they can only get down
through the mines, before committing suicide with a pistol.
A trap is laid with the two female soldiers, which succeeds in luring out one
of the mutants, who is shot dead. In a brief moment of victory, however, Missy
is abducted by another mutant who is camouflaged against the rocks. The group
give chase into the mines, but Stump won't follow and decides to climb alone
down the cliff and bring help. The others continue, under the leadership of
Delmar, onwards and downwards through corrugated iron tunnels and mine shafts.
Napoleon and Amber become separated after falling through a hidden shaft. Mean
whilst Stump, who has been climbing down the mountain, is attacked and killed by
a mutant.
The captive Missy is carried to a room with makeshift furniture and is
assaulted by the chameleon mutant. She fends it off by biting off part of his
elongated tongue in which earlier he was licking Missy. At this point the large
and menacing Papa Hades enters the room, and the chameleon flees in fear. Missy
is subjected to brutal physical assault and rape at the hands of Hades.
Meanwhile, the fleeing chameleon meets and attacks Napoleon and Amber, who
manage to kill him using a large rock. A blind mutant armed with one of the
missing rifles detects the dead chameleon and Amber and Napoleon retreat down a
shaft into the lair of an apparently passive mutant, possibly the product of a
mating with a non-mutated female. The remaining National Guard troops (Delmar
and Crank) approach and Delmar is shot by the blind mutant who is then killed by
Crank who empties his magazine. Delmar claims it's only a shoulder wound and
caries on. Napoleon appears and shows them the secret passage and the passive
mutant, who wants them to follow him and they do. They pass through a macabre
room where the previous victims bodies and possessions appear to have been
stockpiled. A frying pan is seen containing severed fingers. Severed legs hang
from meat hooks. Amber finds the mutilated body of Mickey. Delmar breaks down
spitting blood and dies from wounds that are revealed to be more than
superficial. They carry his body onwards. The passive mutant leads them out to
blast door section at the edge of the mines however Amber insists that they go
back for Missy. As Amber persuades Napoleon to accompany her, Crank finds a
stash of dynamite, however on removing it he triggers the detonation switch and
a large explosion ensues, killing him and alerting Papa Hades.
Amber and Napoleon manage to kill one of the final mutants who is hiding
amongst some WW2 mannequins using knives and bayonets. They then find the room
containing the captive Missy. After distracting Hades with Missy's cell phone,
Amber and Napoleon manage to free Missy. Hades returns and a frantic fight
insues. Amber finds a single bullet and shoots Hades in the head but he
continues to fight, despite brain matter exuding from his skull. Enraged, Missy
beats Hades severely with a sledge hammer, leaving his testicles smashed.
Eventually the soldiers prevail and leave the body of Hades with a bayoneted
rifle in his mouth.
The three survivors stumble towards a light in the background and finds it as
the exit of the mines. Text appears on-screen stating that none of the guardsmen
were ever found, are currently listed as AWOL, and that military officials refuse to acknowledge
that Sector 16 even exists. The image turns into a thermal visual and is being
viewed by someone in a thermal monitor. A mutated hand slams on the monitor and
the film ends.
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