The Howling III |
The fear is!
Howling III: The Marsupials is about a scientist involved with a cult of Australian werewolves via his love interest. The plot line is based on the premise of Australian werewolves descended from the now extinct Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger, a marsupial carnivore which was hunted to extinction by Australian farmers to protect their sheep. In the film the remaining Tasmanian Wolves were merged with humans by a mystical shaman to allow them to survive, with hopes of propagating a line of Were-Tasmanian wolves. Most interesting to the story is the end: The scientist removes the antagonists and obstacles to his union with his werewolf girlfriend, eventually revealing himself as a European werewolf (standard werewolf). One day on live TV, the scientist turns into his wolf form to show the world werewolves do exist. The story then jumps twenty years into the future, to Sydney where a minor character gives a college lecture about the history of werewolf-human relations. It is one of the few werewolf movies where people become aware that they exist, though this story point is forgotten for nearly all the rest of the Howling movies.