Lost Boys II |
Never grow old. Never die. Never know fear again.
After the death of their parents, Chris and Nicole Emerson move to Luna Bay to live with their Aunt Jillian. Chris and Nicole Emerson are cousins of Sam and Michael Emerson, from the first movie, but in other stories they are the son & daughter of Michael & Starr While exploring the town, Chris leaves his address at the home of Edgar Frog, the town's surfboard shaper, in the hope of getting a job as a surfboard shaper. After returning to their new home Chris meets Shane Powers, who invites him to a surf party later that night. Chris and Nicole go to the party, where Nicole is tricked into drinking Shane's blood, thus eventually turning her into a vampire. Shane then takes Nicole for a ride on his motorcycle while her brother is distracted. Chris looks for Nicole and gets angry with Shane after their return. The siblings leave the party, and on the way home Nicole starts to feel sick. Once arriving at their home, Nicole attacks Chris, but before she hurts him is knocked out by Edgar. Edgar then reveals that he is a vampire hunter, and Nicole has been infected with vampirism. Chris throws Edgar out of the house and puts Nicole to bed. Soon Lisa shows up and seduces Chris. While kissing, Lisa sprouts fangs and tries to feed on Chris, but he pushes her, accidentally impaling her on a mounted rack of antlers. The next day Chris meets with Edgar, who tells Chris that he only let Chris throw him out because he knows what it's like to lose a family member to the other side. Edgar also tells him that his sister is only half-vampire and will remain that way unless she feeds, and she can be turned human again if they kill the head vampire before that. They agree that Chris will join up with the tribe of vampires and become one of them in order to gain their trust, only to betray them in the end. Chris finds the vampire gang, "The Tribe", and drinks Shane's blood during their campfire with some local girls. Shane leaves with Nicole, and the remaining vampires begin to attack the girls. Chris pretends to attack one, instead telling her to run, but is seen, pursued, and attacked. Chris stakes Jon with a tree branch, but is left trying to fend off two more. Edgar arrives and frightens them off, brandishing wooden stakes in his hands. Chris and Edgar set off to find Shane and save Nicole. Once in the Tribe's cave, Edgar blows Kyle's Head off using the RPG filled with Holy water. Erik tackles Chris and attempts to kill him with a giant drill, Chris knocks Erik way with a rock and impales his heart with the drill. Chris confronts Shane, fighting over Nicole, and Shane begins to beat Chris to death. Nicole stakes Shane, who tries to pull Nicole onto the stake, but before he can Chris decapitates Shane, restoring both he and his sister to normal. Edgar arrives to see Shane's burning corpse on the ground. In a mid-credits scene, Edgar Frog encounters Sam Emerson, now a vampire, and after exchanging some dialogue; they charge at each other before the credits resume.