A Nightmare on Elm Street Part VI |
"I'll get you my pretty...and your little soul too....."
The film starts with a dream involving who is apparently the last surviving teenager in Springwood!! In the dream 'John Doe' (Shon Greenblatt) is dropped by Freddy on the outskirts of Springwood, and he ends up in another town in the real world. Suffering from amnesia and wandering aimlessly he is mistaken for a druggie and escorted to the nearest adolescent home, where he meets Dr Maggie Burroughs (Lisa Zane). However she too has been experiencing some rather strange dreams, and pretty soon she has identified a link between her dreams and those of Johns. He tells her that he doesn't know who he is, and that all he knows is that he is 'the last survivor.' Pretty soon the discovery of clues leads both of them to visit Springwood in search of answers, although unbeknown to them they are accompanied by three other adolescent stowaways. Once there they notice that there are no children...only adults who are themselves experiencing some form of strange psychosis. At the school the investigators discover that Freddy had a child who was taken away from him and put into an orphanage...and when the trail leads there John Doe thinks that he is Freddy's son and that is why he was allowed to live....until Freddy kills him!!! And then comes the twist....Freddy never had a son.....only a daughter. After disposing of the stowaways he uses his daughter to transport himself away from Springwood...he wants to expand his operation and go global...afterall every town has an Elm Street! It is therefore up to his daughter to put an end to his reign of terror. Part of this film can be watched with those cheap 3-D glasses - but it isn't really worth it.... Whilst this film is not one of the best what it does offer is a lot more information of Freddy himself. His daughters dreams yield the fact that her mother discovered Freddy's 'special work,' and as a consequence he had to kill her - something which his daughter witnessed. Furthermore his daughter said she would not tell anyone - yet it seems that maybe she did and that is why Krueger may have been tracked down and killed by a mob of parents. We also learn through a resident Doctor who specializes in ream therapy, that ancient dream demons roam the dreams of the living to find the 'most evil, twisted human' and give them the power to cross the line and turn nightmares into reality. This certainly begins to offer us a little background on Krueger and may suggest how he came to be.