Wes Cravens New Nightmare |
"Everyone knows who Freddy is...he's like santa Clause or King Kong"
Its approaching the 10th anniversary since the inception of the Freddy merchandise, and Heather Lagencamp (Nancy Thompson) and family have started to experience some strange goings on. She has a nightmare that her partner, Chase, who has been working on a new prototype for Freddy's glove, and two technicians meet a grisly end at the hands of the glove, which seems to develop a life of its own These nightmares are compounded by the deaths of the above individuals, and the strange behaviour of her son Dylan, who is also experiencing strange nightmares about a scary man, and is furthermore demonstrating some very odd behavioural traits. Heather is still a big star and she continues to make appearances on shows, along with Robert Englund (Freddy). She attempts to explain to Robert that she has been dreaming about Freddy, but it seems that he is battling against some personal demons himself. He also informs her that Wes (Craven) is busy working on a new script for a Freddy film, yet it seems that Freddy cant wait for its completion. For Nancy these nightmares give way to a more darker, evil Freddy which is not Robert, and it is not until later in the film that we learn this evil entity must come through Heather in order to get into the real world, and that it will attempt to do this by attacking her weaker points - most notably her son Dylan. Of course what we are witness to is a nightmare in progress, as Craven writes his script things happen....and it turns out that when the Freddy films ended the evil entity, which was trapped within the ongoing films, is suddenly let loose. Essentially when the films ended it was 'like letting the genie out of the bottle.' This is certainly one of the better Nightmare films, and it returns to its original roots by making Freddy less comic and more evil/dark. The idea behind bringing him into the actors/script writers lives is ingenious, and it is not since the first film that I have seen Freddy as menacing and ruthless.