The Brood |
Thirty seconds after you're born you have a past and sixty seconds after that you begin to lie to yourself about it.
An unconventional psychotherapist, Dr Hal Raglan, has created a technique called "psychoplasmics." He encourages his patients to "go all the way through it" and allow their negative emotions (rage, fear, etc.) to cause their bodies to undergo (usually radical) physical change. A man verbally abused by his father develops welts over his body as a way of expressing his pain. Another patient develops lymphatic cancer, supposedly a manifestation of his self-hatred. In the case of the principal characters, it causes a woman, Nola, to pathenogenetally birth strange, mutated children and, via a telepathic bond, have them act out whatever negative emotions the mother is feeling at the time, with disastrous consequences when her therapist brings those emotions to the surface. It begins when Frank Carveth picks uo his daughter candy, discovering that she is badly bruised. He attempts to see his estranged wife Nola, who is holed up at the psychotherapists treatment centre, but he comes uop against continued refusals from Raglan. Nola's parents meet their makers...and further deaths continue...leaving Frank to realise that these killers are a manifestation of Nola's anger. But what can he and Raglan do about it?????