You can't run. You can't hide. You can only become... One of them.
Jimmy Smits and Marg
Helgenberger star as Gard and Bobbi, a pair of washed-up writers living in Haven Falls, Maine. Gard, an alcoholic poet, and Bobbi
haven't written a book between them in years, but they seem to live comfortably
in a large house on a huge property just outside of town.
Behind them, in
a reputedly haunted wood, they discover what appears to be the top of an ancient
marble temple that glows green when you touch it. They soon find that the
mysterious green glow gives them a power (it even cures Bobbi's dog), a gift that almost everyone in town
eventually accepts, except Gard. A metal plate in his head prevents the force
from getting through to him.
We soon realize, however, that the power is
malevolent, and most of the town comes under its control. Strange things are
happening.....machinery seems to have a mind of its own, innocent objects like toys come to
life....people begin to dissapear.....and the town appears to cut itself off
from the rest of civilised society....and so it is left to Jimmy,
who we all know is immune to developing green eyes and his teeth
falling out, to battle to save the town.
Copyright(C) 2007
- 2020. All rights reserved.

