Scanners II |
Power doesn't make you good, Dave. It just makes you powerful. And it makes me hungry. I'm gonna suck you dry, pretty boy... Scanners II: The New Order opens
with the discovery and capture of an unstable scanner, Peter
Drak. After being captured by several police
officers, Drak is brought into Morse
Neurological Research Institute and into the service of Dr. Morse,
a scientist interested in controlling scanners through drugs.
He’s only partially succeeded. Scanners who use F-2 to control their powers (and
the voices in their heads), eventually become addicted, and, therefore, useless
to Morse or his associate in the police force, Commander John Forrester. Forrester, it seems, has some strongly defined ideas about the social
order and using scanners to combat crime, even if that means going outside the
laws he’s sworn to uphold. Eventually David becomes suspicious of Forrestros motives and soon discovers his plans for power....and yes Forrestor would like otbecome mayor. Along the way revelations about David's past are revealed, and as the film draws on David is soon on the run, pursued by the Police and other scanners, namely the villeanous Drak.....This film is not a patch on the first and runs a little too long for my liking.