The Body Snatchers (1978) |
People are being duplicated. And once it happens to you, you're part of this... thing. It almost happened to me! The plot centers around Matthew Bennell, a health inspector living and working in San Fransisco who discovers that the people of his home city are being replaced by simulations grown from plantlike pods, perfect physical duplicates who kill and dispose of their human victims. The Pod people are indistinguishable from normal people except for their utter lack of emotion. The pods work together to secretly spread more pods—which grew from "seeds drifting through space for years"—in order to replace the entire human race. These spores rain down from space, and pretty soon strange flowers begin popping up all over the city. After bringing one of these hybrid specimens home with her one night, biologist Elizabeth Driscoll notices that her live-in boyfriend, Geoffrey, doesn't seem like himself; he's cold and distant and somehow just not quite there - she finds him dressed in a suit, him being up and about so early is unusual, but stranger still is his statement that he gave away his football tickets and will instead be busy all night at a business meeting. He's almost emotionless as he says these things, then leaves for work, making a point to take the trash to the garbage truck stopped out front. When she turns to her friend Matthew Bennell, a colleague at the Department of Public Health, he convinces her to see his friend Dr. Kibner , a psychologist who argues that the problem is all in Elizabeth's head. Soon, though, Matthew and Elizabeth begin to notice that people all over the city are changing subtly and inexplicably. When their friend Jack Bellicec and his wife Nancy find a lifeless, half-formed doppelganger covered with plant fibers in the mud baths they own and operate, the group of friends finally begins to understand that a sinister transformation is sweeping their city. With an increasing sense of paranoia, Matt and his friends are determined to save themselves and warn of the impending end to humanity. But the clock seems to be running out for the group as they quickly discover that not everyone can be trusted with the truth......