The Body Snatchers (1993) |
We'll give 'em hell, Malone! We'll show 'em what the human race is really made of!
This film set its nightmare vision of conformity on a military base, where an agent from the Environmental Protection Agency (Kinney) has brought along his family as he checks for toxic waste. The main character is the EPA agent's daughter, Marti Malone, a teenager who reluctantly accompanies her father to thearmy base. It would appear that she is alienated from her newly remarried father and stepmother (Tilly) even before pods enter the picture. On one base she becomes attracted to handsome chopper pilot Lieutenant Tim Young. But then she starts to realize that personnel on the base and members of her family are being replaced by emotionless alien pod duplicates. As she and Tim try to flee, they find the pods are taking over everywhere. For Marty, as with the preceeding films, the problem is in trusting people...are they real or are they simply pods who have replaced them. Can she escape or is she too destined to be a victim of the pod people....