The Invasion |
In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes. To imagine a world where this was not so, where every crisis did not result in new atrocities, where every newspaper is not full of war and violence. Well, this is to imagine a world where human beings cease to be human.
An alien lifeform, much like a fungus or spore, clings to the space shuttle Patriot as it crashes back to Earth, spreading tainted debris from Texas to Washington. Curious onlookers steal, touch, and even sell the parts on e-Bay, which in turn infects many people, robbing them of their emotions when they enter REM sleep. One of the first people infected is Tucker, a CDC director investigating the crash. Once he is overcome by the alien, Tucker uses the CDC to spread the disease further, disguising the spores as flu inoculations. In a panic from a made-up "flu bug" people rush to get "inoculated", later becoming pod people when they sleep that night. Meanwhile, Tucker's ex-wife, psychiatrist Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman), knows something is wrong, and after locating several patients who say their loved ones are "imposters", teams up with fellow doctor Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig) to uncover what is really going on. With the help of Driscoll's friend Galeano, a biologist, they find out about the spore, and discover that it takes over the brain during REM sleep. They also find out that people who have suffered diseases that affect the makeup of the brain, such as syphilis or ADEM, are immune to the spore, because their previous diseases prevent the spore from "latching on" to the brain matter. Oliver (Jackson Bond), Carol's son, is immune to the spore because of scarlet fever-type symptoms he had as a young child. Also seen immune is one of Carol's patients, Wendy Lenk, who escaped to her sister's house. On her way to her office, Carol sees several people crying and distraught, and sees a homeless man having some sort of fit. When she gets to her office, Carol remembers what Wendy said about her husband not being her husband and searches on the internet for similar responses. Suddenly, her secretary (infected) attempts to bring her new tea and insists that she drink it. Carol is about to but receives a call from Ben and she leaves. Carol meets with Ben, Ludmilla, Stephan and Ludmilla's aide Jill and witness Yorish's transformation into one of the infected before he dies when Carol takes a picture of him. Carol then leaves to get her son back from Tucker. When she arrives at his house, he and several collegues attempt to seize and he infects her by spitting on her face. She escapes and returns to Nem at Ludi's house. They leave when Henryk returns, infected with some other people. Stephan and Jill safely arrive at a base outside Baltimore where they and several Nobel Prize winners attempt to make a cure for the alien virus. Carol and Ben separate to find Oliver, who tells Carol his location by texting her. She is chased by several infected and eventually pretends to be infected while on the train where Gene, Tucker's neighbor's child, finds her. He takes her back to Tucker's mother's house, where the four dine. Carol pretends to be one of them, and secretly tells Ben her location. She finds Oliver in a back room and they reunite. Gene interrupts them, and Carol knocks him out and leaves with Oliver. After evading the infected and hiding her emotions to blend in with the the others, Carol manages to get Oliver away from her infected ex-husband. She sees several normal people attempting to pose as infected, including one woman who is dragged out of her car, another who two cops chase down and subdue, and one posing as a policeman who tells her not to sweat and keep calm. To help stay awake, as Carol is herself infected, she heads to a pharmacy with Oliver, and takes an assortment of prescription amphetamines from Ritalin to Dexedrine. She encounters Ben, who has come to seek them, but discovers that he is infected. Earlier she retrieved a gun from an infected police officer while transforming, and uses it against Ben and several people who she locked inside a closet. She kills them all except Ben, who she shoots in the leg. Shortly after a brief fight to get away, some of Driscoll's colleagues pick up the two on a rooftop via helicopter, and head to Galeano, a non-infected base of operations. There, scientists use Oliver's blood to create a vaccine which is delivered airborne. Because the spore latches on to the brain during REM sleep, no one remembers a thing when they are cured, feeling as though they have woken from a dreamless nap.........