Cabin Fever |
Everyone had to watch their friends die, knowing that they'd soon be next.
The film centres around five recent college graduates, Jeff, Karen, Paul, Marcy and Bert, who trek to a remote cabin deep in the woods to celebrate.....and as with all horrors thisincludes amounts of alcohol and sex. One evening they encounter a vagrant stumbling near their cabin who is clearly extremely ill. When the man asks for their help in seeking medical attention, they panic and turn him away without assistance. He attempts to steal their truck and in the scuffle one of the campers accidentally sets him on fire and he runs into the woods where he falls into the cabin's water supply. They are also visited by another camper, Justin, and his large dog. When Karen drinks from the contaminated water, the disease (presumably some sort of rapidly acting flesh eating virus or bacteria) infects her and results in a quick onset of symptoms. Paul discovers her condition the next morning and finds that she is feverish, delusional and experiencing extreme bleeding. Unsure whether to take Karen for medical attention or wait out her fever, the friends cannot determine the best course of action. Fearful that the truck (which the ill vagrant sat in) may be infectious, or that any one of them could be carrying the disease, they begin turning on one another. In order to 'quarantine' Karen, they lock her in a tool shed. As Karen lies in the shack getting worse, the panicking teens seek help from several sources, to no avail. Jeff and Bert seem driven somewhat mad by the situation, and their actions become more and more irrational. The dog, Doctor Mambo, now vicious and possibly infected, returns without his owner and terrorizes the teens. We see people dropping dead from this deadly disease....but will anyone survive??? and what is the source of this contamination???