Silent Hill |
The faithful must gather in judgement for we are called to purify this filth.
The film commences with Rose and hubby Christopher Da Silva rescuing their troubled, adopted daughter Sharon from sleepwalking near a cliff. Sharon repeatedly cries out, "Silent Hill." Desperate for answers, Rose takes Sharon to the town of Silent Hill, despite Christopher's opposition. At a stop, Rose finds that Sharon's drawings have been disturbingly altered. Sharon's cries raise the suspicions of a police officer. As they leave, the officer attempts to pull Rose over. Spotting the turnoff to Silent Hill, Rose evades the officer, swerves to avoid a young girl walking in the street, and is knocked unconscious. Rose awakens in a limbo world of fog and falling ash. With Sharon nowhere to be found, Rose enters nearby Silent Hill, where she chases the girl that she swerved to avoid, who resembles Sharon. Rose is then plunged into darkness and assaulted by what appear to be disfigured chldren....She makes it back to her car and calls for Christopher to help her, and on his way in to Silent Hill he is met and joined by Officer Thomas Gucci. Rose herself is arrested by Officer Cybil Bennett, who has to repel a mysterious creature, leaving Rose to escape and head towards the local elementary school. She discovers a corpse and meets some bizarre looking humans (what is it with this town)....and if this is not enough the body she found re-animates itself. Further creatures appear, but Rose evades them and meets up with Officer Bennett. The women battle more monsters and continue to search for Sharon, leading them to strange places. Along the way they learn of witch burnings within the town, and if that's not enough the strange cult in operatio brands the two women as witches themselves.... Wethen learn some history of a mysterious girl, Alessa, who was born out of wedlock, her father unknown. One day while being tormented by her classmates, Alessa escaped to the bathroom, where she was abused by the janitor, Colin. The religious community of the town agreed that Alessa needed to be "purified" because of her "sin." Inside the Grand Hotel, where the church held their cleansing ritual, Alessa was chained to a metal frame and burned. One of the chains broke and knocked the fire pot over, causing the fire to burn out of control. A young Gucci freed Alessa and she was taken to the hospital. She further explains that Sharon is a manifestation of Alessa's remaining innocence and goodness, and was taken to the orphanage and subsequently adopted by Rose and Christopher. "Dark Alessa" declares that the current state of the town is a personification of Alessa's nightmares, and they will not end until she gets revenge. Rose offers herself as a vessel to help Alessa into the church, which she cannot enter because of the cult's blind faith. The cultists then begin to burn people as the battle begins. There are a few twists and turns but im sure that inevitably good will overcome evil!!