Blade II |
There's an old saying: Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.
Two years have passed since the ending of the first film, and Blade has been keeping himself busy in the hunt for Whistler, who failed to kill himself in the original. He has been sweeping across Russia and eatern Eurpore searching for his old friend, enlisting the aid of a young man named Scud to design him a new line of equipment and weapons. Blade fights his way through a large gang of vampires, leaving one of their number alive, yet telling him he'll be back for him. Finding Whistler locked in a tank of blood by a cruel gang of vampires who were keeping the old man alive for purposes of torture, Blade rescues him and brings him to Prague. Meanwhile, a crisis has arisen in the vampire community. What seems to be a more developed strain of vampirism is sweeping through their ranks, giving its carriers fearsome new powers and features. The original carrier of the strain seems to be Jared Nomak, a one-time vampire who appears to have mutated into a being who feeds on the blood of vampires rather than human blood, a process that infects his vampiric victims with the Reaper disease. Far stronger than common vampires, the Reapers have three-way jaws, leech-like suckers and hearts encased in a thick layer of bone at the front and back, making them invulnerable to any weapon barring sunlight. In order to combat the virus, the vampire elder / overlord Eli Damaskinos and his familiar servant Carter Counan (a lawyer) send their minions Asad and Nyssa (who is Damaskinos' daughter) to find and strike an uneasy treaty with Blade, proving to him that the Reapers are the greater evil and once they finish the vampire population, they will doubtlessly descend on humankind. Blade therefore teams up with the Bloodpack, a group of vampire warriors and assassins who were originally assembled to kill Blade. The vampires are Reinhardt, Nyssa, Asad, Priest, Chupa, Lighthammer, Snowman and Verlaine. In order to obtain some measure of control over the group, Blade singles out Reinhardt), one of the group's more resistant members, and installs a remote-activated explosive device in the back of his head. Setting their mutual hatred aside, Blade leads the Bloodpack in the fight against the Reapers and the investigation into their origins. During this time, Blade forms something of an intimate relationship with Nyssa, the daughter of Damaskinos and member of the Bloodpack. In the nightclub, Blade and the Bloodpack battle the reapers, the Bloodpack vampire Priest being bitten and killed. Lighthammer is also bitten but does not turn. In the sewers, Blade splits the team into groups. Reinhardt and Chupa separate Whistler, and Chupa proceeds to beat and kill Whistler for losing Priest. Reinhardt abandons Chupa, hunting for more reapers. Whistler releases a batch of reaper pheremones into the air in a bid to save himself. Just as Whistler in nearly finished, reapers attack and maul Chupa to death, allowing Whistler to escape. All of the other Bloodpack members are killed, except Reinhardt and Nyssa, along with Blade and Whistler. After a climactic battle against numerous Reapers in their hive in the sewers, Blade is apprehended by Damaskinos' forces, along with Whistler and Scud. As it turns out, the Reaper strain is not a virus at all, but rather a genetic experiment gone wrong. In his efforts to create a day-walking vampire race, Damaskinos had numerous experiments performed on Nomak, who is in fact his estranged son. He remarks that Nomak was the first carrier of the strain but ultimately flawed, seeing as he was vulnerable to daylight, as were all the other carriers whom he'd infected. Damaskinos then reveals another horrible truth — he has been creating many more vampire prototypes, intended as the next step of vampire evolution. All they require now is Blade's biological make-up to give them protection from the sun, and in order to extract this, Damaskinos plans to have Blade killed and dissected. During his captivity, Blade attempts to activate the pre-placed explosive in Reinhardt's skull due to his treachery, at which point Scud reveals the bomb was never designed to go off. He himself is in fact one of Damaskinos' human servants and planned to side with the vampires rather than fighting against them. However, Blade has always suspected Scud's servitude to Damaskinos, and his backhanded double dealing. Activating a second switch on his remote, Blade kills the unfortunate Scud, who unluckily happened to be holding the bomb at the time. After Whistler rescues him from the dissection, Blade fights his way through Damaskinos' henchmen, and heads towards the lead vampire himself. Meanwhile, a vengeful Nomak has entered Damaskinos' stronghold, seeking revenge on the father who mutilated him and turned him into the first Reaper. Just before he can escape, Damaskinos is betrayed by Nyssa (who became disillusioned with her father's extreme methods) and killed by Nomak. In order to "complete the circle", Nomak also bites Nyssa and then makes to leave, whereupon he is confronted by Blade. After a very physical fight scene, Blade finds the weak spot in Nomak's physical defenses and jams his sword beneath his arm, penetrating his heart from the side, bypassing the bone shield of his heart. Blade then falls to the floor, nearly finished due to broken ribs and internal bleedings sustained during the fight. Severely injured, Nomak crawls away and props himself up against a pillar. Having taken his revenge against his family, he decides he has nothing left to live for and he commits suicide by shoving the broken sword the final inch into his heart. Before he dies he comments that “it hurts no more”. With Nomak dead, Blade then carries Nyssa outside for the sunrise at her request, where she disintegrates in his arms. In the film's final scene, the vampire Rush, left to live in the opening scene is in a London strip club, preparing to make use of one of the booths. However, as soon as the curtains open, he is shocked to find Blade on the other side of the glass, who casually remarks "You didn't think I'd forget about you, did you?", and rams his sword into his skull....