I know what you did last summer |
I know all about accidents, and let me give you some advice: when you leave a man for dead, make sure that he's really dead! After teenager Helen Shivers wins the annual Croaker County Beauty Pageant (on the radio), she and her boyfriend Barry Cox party on the beach with their friends: Julie James and Ray Bronson. The four tell horror stories about a huge, hook-handed man who periodically kills young lovers. As they swerve home along a shoreline road, Barry spills his bottle of whiskey over Ray, who tries to clean the mess when a shape suddenly looms in the headlights. Before any of them know what has happened, they've skidded to a stop in the middle of the road. Although at first believing it was an animal, they soon realize otherwise and Julie finds a fisherman's boot on the side of the road and a few feet down the road, they see a man's body lying lifeless. Due to their drunken state they cant go to the Police...instead they swear to take this incident to their graves and never tell a soul...... A year later, after her first year at college, Julie returns home. She has been performing poorly in school due to the guilt she feels from the above incident. While spending time with her mother, she receives a mysterious letter which reads, "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER." Julie finds out that Helen has returned from New York because it "didn't work out." Helen and Julie head off to find Barry. Judging by Barry's current condition, it is evident that he is the only one of the four who has felt little or no guilt from the incident. He immediately suspects Max of sending the letter. Julie remarks that they found the body of the man they killed last year, and he was identified as David Egan. Max is murdered by a man wielding a hook, and Barry is run over by the same man. Julie arrives at the hospital and is greeted by Ray. They go to Barry's hospital room, where he and Helen await them. Doing some quick research, Helen and Julie discover that two years ago, David Egan accidentally killed his girlfriend, Susie, in the same location that they ran him over. They find the location of David’s sister, Missy Egan, and they decide to visit her for information. During the course of their conversation, Missy mentions Billy Blue, a young man, who visited her, saying he was best friends with David Egan. Julie and Helen now suspect that David’s friend Billy Blue is trying to avenge his friend’s death. Julie drives Helen home. The fisherman steals into her room just before she enters. The next morning, Helen awakens to find herself wearing her old "Croaker Queen" crown. Most of her hair has been cut off and left on her pillow; the word "SOON" is written in lipstick on her mirror. Helen promptly calls Barry and Julie, both of whom she tells about the incident. While rushing over in her car, Julie hears a scratching noise in her trunk. She stops the car to investigate...and finds the murdered Max wearing Barry's stolen jacket..... The next day, Helen is due to partcipate in the Croaker Queen Pageant, but is frightened that the mysterious fisherman will attack her. Before the pageant, Barry holds Helen tightly and promises that everything will be okay. During the pageant, however, the Fisherman attacks Barry from behind on the balcony. Helen sees the killer dragging Barry off the balcony and out of sight. She begins to shout and cry, but it's of no use; she is held back by the crowd, thwarting her attempts to go and rescue Barry. The distraught Helen is driven home by a police officer, who unfortunately stops to see if a stalled car needs help. The other driver turns out to be the killer, who kills the cop. Helen screams, jumps out of the car and flees for her life to Shivers Department Store. The Fisherman is already there, having "hooked" Elsa when she went to lock the storage room-door. Helen just has time to discover Elsa's corpse before she is discovered by the fisherman. Brandishing his signature murder-weapon, he stalks Helen through the empty store and its storage rooms...finally cornering and butchering her in an alleyway. Loud music from the parade band drowns out Helen's death screams. Meanwhile, Julie at last figures out David Egan's true identity. After meeting with Ray, she solves the mystery. They didn't run over David Egan one year ago, but someone else. Because the face was disfigured and bloody, they were unable to truly identify who the person was; Julie believes that Ben Willis, Susie's father, tried to avenge his daughter's death by killing her boyfriend/murderer, David Egan. Missy, however, believed that David committed suicide due to guilt and depression. David was actually murdered by Ben Willis and was set up to look like a suicide. His body was the one found by the police in the docks. Ben Willis was the man that Julie and her friends ran over; however, he lived and returned to kill them. The fisherman is Ben Willis; this is revealed to Julie when he pulls out the large fishing-hook from his jacket. The older man is also wearing dirty Wellington boots, the same boots Julie found at the incident a year ago. She finds the corpses of Barry and Helen in the ice meant for freezing fish. The chase ends with Ben getting his hand chopped off, and then thrown overboard. Although later, nobody can find his body, only his hand and the fish hook. The sheriff says not to worry and that the body "usually" turns up. A year later, Julie is back at college. (Ben Willis’s body remains missing.) She prepares to take a shower after finishing a telephone conversation with Ray. A dorm-mate passes by and tells Julie that she has mail: a letter which looks exactly like the one Julie received last year, the letter which started her entire nightmarish ordeal. To Julie's relief, it is only an invitation to a pool party. Returning to her shower room, however, she finds it completely filled with steam. She finds the words "I STILL KNOW" written on the glass shower-door.........