I will always know what you did last summer |
This secret dies with you!
In a small Coloreado town, an independence day prank goes horribly wrong when a group set up a prank but one of the group (P.J Davis) is accidentally killed by a skateboard stunt. The four teens (Amber, Colby, Zoe and Roger) all swear themselves to secrecy. A year passes and Amber one day visits P.J's grave but feels she's being watched by someone. Amber goes back home and goes to bed. She is awakened by the sound of a prowler in her kitchen. She goes down to inspect but finds no one. She then receives fifty text messages entitled 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'. This then horrifies Amber. She drives to Zoe's shack where she has moved into with her band. Amber tells her about the messages and begs her if she can stay there for the night. The next day Zoe and Amber pay a visit to Roger who is not happy to see them. They tell him about the messages and he then grows angry and tells them to leave. Zoe drops Amber off at her house. Zoe then pays a visit to Colby. After Zoe leaves Colby finds a message written in the ground that says 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'. Roger breaks into a nervous breakdown and attempts suicide but hears a rattle in the next room. He inspects only to run into the Fisherman. Roger attempts an escape but he is caught by the Fisherman who slits his throat then leaves. Amber, Zoe and Colby arrive at the scene to warn Roger but find his bloody corpse on the ground with a suicide note aside him. The police arrive at the scene and start questioning the three. They are let go and convinced that they are all being stalked. They pay a visit to their old friend Lance and tell him the story. He suggests it's 'Crazy' then they leave. Amber arrives home only to be confronted by Lance who tells her he knew about the prank all along and he tells her someone wrote 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' on his motorbike. She tells him that he's in danger. He is convinced and the four crash at Zoe's shack. They think up a plan of leaving town after Zoe does her concert. The night of the concert they all agree to stay together. Colby disappears to the kitchen where he prepares to get drunk. After Zoe's concert, she is sitting in her dressing room as Amber and Lance enters and excitedly begins talking to her, but the Fisherman jumps out and attacks her. They all attempt to make an escape, but Zoe ends up separated from Amber and Lance. The Fisherman catches up and kills Zoe, revealing his face to her then stabbing her as the two arrive in time just to see Zoe's body fall from the stairs. They then call Colby to warn him about the Fisherman, the same time Colby encounters the Fisherman. He runs into the kitchen, grabbing a knife on the way. Colby manages to stab the Fisherman once, but the Fisherman nonchalantly pulls out the knife and kills Colby. Amber and Lance find his body and decide they need to leave. Sheriff Davis appears and attempts to apprehend them, blaming them for the murder of Zoe. Amber and Lance tries to tell Sheriff Davis about the Fisherman but suddenly the Fisherman appears and kills Davis. They attempt to escape once again and runs into Deputy Hafner, who questions them about why they have blood all over them. Hafner confesses that he knew all along about the prank, and that Roger had told him about it before. They are about to enter Hafner's SUV when they discover the bodies in there. The Fisherman then appears. Hafner shoots him twice with his shotgun, but the Fisherman is unharmed. He stabs Hafner with his hook, and then impales him onto a forklift. As the Fisherman (revealed to be the ghost of Ben Willis, the killer from the previous installments) attempts to kill Amber and Lance, Amber manages to wound him with the hook they had gotten before and the Fisherman disappears suddenly. They then decide to fight against the Fisherman as they found a way to injure him. Lance gets hurt during the fight, but manages to get a gun and shoots the Fisherman as Amber stabs him with the hook and then pushing him into the thresher. The police arrive at the scene and question Amber and Lance on who the killer was. They claim to not know as they never saw his face. A year passes and Amber while driving in the desert blows a tire and is stranded in the desert. She calls Lance and they decide that it was an unnatural blow out. Amber waits for someone to drive by to help her, but the Fisherman appears once again, the screen turning black, with Amber screaming.