From Dusk till Dawn II |
Would you mind takin' that knife outa my leg?
Luther breaks out of prison and plans a heist on a Mexican bank, which is reputed to be a laundering point for American drug dealers. He identifies a cool $5million reward for the ob, and contacts his old partner Buck, who in turn rounds up the rest of the gang - inclusive of the muscle (Jesus), the safecracker (CW) and Ray Bob....and so the reunion is in full swing. The four members of the gang then head south to the El Coyote motel in Mexico to await the arrival of another member - Victor. However poor old Victor has an accident (his car gets hit by a huge bat) and finds himself at the Titty Twister bar (yes as in the first film). The bartender offers to give him a ride back to his Jeep, where he investigates the bat and finds the bat was really a vampire. It isnt long before Luther becomes our first vampire - and his first victim is a hooker Jesus had just spent an evening with. Jesus manages to kill her, but Luther converts him. The two then get back together with the gang and insist on hitting the bank right away. The real action occurs in the bank. While Luther is slowly turning the rest of the gang into vampires, a silent alarm is tripped and the cops show up in force. Buck gets wise to what is happening, making him the overall hero of the flick as he fights to survive, then tries to kill the others. Spiegel and Yakin work hard to capture what Tarantino and Rodriguez accomplish in the first film, with the sleazy feel and rough characters, and only partially succeed. The action and effects are little better than the average B movie, and the vampires are repelled by anything that even remotely resembles an actual cross (such as the crossbars in the safe's wheel, or the red cross on the back of an ambulance). The final confrontation, and its result, is fairly predictable. There's a fair-sized flaw in the ending.