Poison, Drowning, Claw, Or Knife. So Many Ways To Take A Life.
The film is an anthology of
four Halloween-related scary stories. One thing that ties the stories together
is the presence of Sam, a mysterious pint-sized trick-or-treater wearing shabby orange
pajamas with a burlap sack over his head, who makes an appearance in all the
stories as a 'friendly-reminder' to those who break the Halloween
Emma and Henry have set up numerous ghost-scarecrows for Halloween
decorations. Emma tries to blow out a jack-o'-lantern by their fence, but Henry
tells her not to because it's against tradition; she blows out the
jack-o'-lantern anyway. While Henry is inside waiting for Emma to take down the
decorations outside, she is murdered with a pumpkin sucker by an unknown
assailant hiding under one of the ghost-scarecrows. Later, Henry goes outside
and finds Emma's severed head hung up on one of the ghost-scarecrows.
The Principal
Mr. Wilkins, the town principal, poisons Charlie, a boy caught stealing candy
from Wilkins' porch. Wilkins buries Charlie in his backyard, along with another
body, and has a run-in with his neighbor Mr. Kreeg and his dog. Later, Wilkins
helps his son Billy carve a "jack-o'-lantern" in their basement, which is
revealed to be Charlie's severed head.
The School Bus Massacre Revisited
Five teenagers, Macy, Schrader, Sara, Chip and Rhonda, journey to the local
rock quarry where Macy tells them the local legend of "The Halloween School Bus
Massacre". Thirty years ago, a school bus containing eight children, all
mentally challenged and disturbed to the point of needing to be chained to their
chairs, was driven into the quarry and crashed into the lake at the bottom.
Their parents, no longer able to stand the strain and humiliation of caring for
them, paid the bus driver to take them to the rock quarry to get rid of them. As
the driver went around checking each child's restraints, one managed to get free
and tried to drive the bus, only to have it plunge into the quarry lake below.
The driver survived but was never heard from again, and the bus was never
recovered. As the group investigates the quarry, a prank meant for Rhonda
instead turns deadly when the school bus children return from the grave and kill
all but Rhonda, who gets revenge against the group by escaping up the quarry's
lone elevator.
Surprise Party
Laurie, a self-conscious 22-year-old "virgin", goes into the woods after
deciding to separate from her group. There, she is attacked by a vampire, while
her sister and her friends party nearby with men they picked up along the way.
The vampire's body suddenly drops from a tree into the party and Laurie appears.
The "vampire" is revealed to be Wilkins in disguise wearing fake teeth. The
girls at the party, along with Laurie, suddenly transform into werewolves and
devour their dates along with Wilkins.
Meet Sam
Kreeg, a cantankerous, Halloween-hating, old man lives alone with his dog,
Spite. While in his house, Kreeg is attacked by a small boy, Sam. During the
struggle, Kreeg rips off the sack over Sam's head to reveal his head to be a
cross between a jack-o-lantern and a skull. Kreeg gains the upper hand when he
manages to fire his shotgun at Sam, seemingly killing him. As Kreeg dials 911,
Sam attacks him again, stabbing him with a pumpkin sucker which lodges in a
candy bar sitting on Kreeg's chest. Sam proceeds to eat the candy bar and then
leaves the house. Meanwhile, pictures burning in a nearby fireplace are not all
burnt and a class photo of the children from the bus accident and the bus
driver, Kreeg himself, sit next to the flames.
Bandaged and bruised from his encounter with Sam, Kreeg answers his door to
give candy to some children. While on his porch he sees Sam go to Emma and
Henry's house just as she is blowing out the jack-o'-lantern. Having escaped,
Rhonda walks across the street and is almost hit by the laughing, human-form
werewolf girls in their car. Young Billy is sitting on his porch handing out
candy wearing a "Principal Wilkins" costume. Kreeg then walks back inside when
the bell rings again. He opens the door to find the kids from the bus massacre
standing there with their bags outstretched. The ending is rendered as
comic-book pages showing the bus driver's fate at the hands of the zombie
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