The Last House on the Left 2009 |
You're paralysed from the neck're gonna be fine
Two detectives are escorting a criminal to a notorious prison when they are ambushed and brutally murdered. Meanwhile, Mari and her family are going on vacation. When they arrive at the house, Mari asks to sleep in the guest house instead of in the main house. Mari's brother, Ben, had died one year earlier, and the family are still trying to adjust to his absence. She finds a necklace he gave her and puts it on. She decides to ride into town to see her friend Paige. Mari's mother, Emma, is cautious, but her father, John, lets her take the car. Mari meets up with Paige at the store where Paige is employed. A young kid named Justin approaches the counter and asks for a pack of cigarettes, which Paige does not give to him due to his age. Justin says that if they join him at his motel room, he will give them which the girls agree. They drive to Justin's motel room and Justin and Paige enter. Mari waits in the car but notices they are taking too long. She enters the room where she finds Justin and Paige on the bed smoking. She joins them and they decide to give Justin a makeover. They are interrupted by Krug, Sadie, and Francis. Krug explains that it is too risky to let Paige and Mari live. Paige attempts to escape but fails. While driving, Mari tells Krug to take a left towards the highway (which also leads to Mari's house). They drive by and Mari and Paige attempt to escape again except the car crashes. Paige attempts to escape after being beaten but is once again captured. She is brought back and when she calls Krug pathetic, she is stabbed by each of the criminals. Krug then beats and rapes Mari. She then attempts to escape by the water but after missing several times Krug shoots her and leaves her for dead in the lake. John and Emma are dining when they hear a knock at the door. Krug explains that their car crashed and they need help. John places Francis' nose, which was broken in the crash. Justin goes into the kitchen and sees a picture of Mari on the refrigerator. He is upset....and leaves the necklace on the sideboard. Mari is revealed to be alive as she swims for the house. Emma shows the criminals their room and returns to the house. As they are locking the doors they hear a banging on the porch and discover it is Mari banging the rocking chair. They rush her inside and John cauterizes her wound and performs surgery on her. When Emma rushes to get towels she realizes that their guests are responsible after she finds Mari's necklace that Justin had left behind. John discovers Mari has been raped too, and upon realizing who did it they decide to take revenge. John rushes to the boat house to grab weapons. Francis comes into the house while Emma is gathering some weapons. She realizes Mari's picture is on the fridge and Mari herself is in the living room. She decides to seduce him. After he agrees she gives him some wine. He walks into the living room and sees Mari. After realizing they are at her house Emma comes up behind him and breaks a bottle over his head. He fights back but John walks in and together with Emma try to drown him in the sink. When unsuccessful they turn on the garbage disposal with his face in it but he manages to get up. They then put his hand in the garbage disposal. He screams and John puts a hammer in his head. They then go to the guest house where Justin aims a gun at them but gives it to John. When he loads it Krug and Sadie wake up and John shoots Sadie but she fights back. Krug escapes but Sadie is left fighting John. Justin is wounded by Sadie when he helps John. She is killed by Emma with Krug's gun and John then goes after Krug. Emma then helps Mari out of the house and onto their boat where she hides. When Krug realizes why John and Emma tried to kill him he begins to taunt John, asking him if he wants to hear exactly what he did to Mari. John replies that he'd rather hear Krug beg for his life. They fight but Justin holds a gun to his father's head. Mad at himself for being too timid to stop what happened to Paige and Mari, he tells his father that he is "ending this". However, the gun jams and Justin is stabbed by Krug but survives. Krug's distraction with Justin gave John the opportunity to win the fight with Emma's aid and apparently killed Krug. Afterward, John and Emma takes the boat to get Mari and Justin immediate medical attention. In the last scene, it is revealed Krug has survived. Before leaving the house, John had him bound on a table with his blood drained. He tells Krug he is paralyzed from the neck down. He puts Krug's head in a microwave and turns it on. John leaves. Krug screams while his skull burns, causing his head to explode......