You do with mogwai what your society... has done with all of
nature's gifts.
Randall "Randy" Peltzer is an inventor seeking to be successful with his unique
inventions that do not work. Whilst searching for a Christmas present for his
son Billy, he comes across a small furry creature called a Mogwai in an old antique store run by
Mr. Wing. Mr. Wing refuses to give the Mogwai to Randy, but his grandson
secretly gives it to him with three instructions to follow - never expose the
Mogwai to bright lights, never put it in water, and never feed it after
midnight. Randy takes the Mogwai home to his family home in Kingston Falls,
Billy naming the Mogwai "Gizmo". Billy and Gizmo bond, but Billy's friend Pete
accidentally spills a glass of water over Gizmo, causing five more Mogwai to
spawn, one being named Stripe due to his quiff of hair. These Mogwai prove to be
quite menacing. Gizmo is taken to science teacher Mr. Anderson where a sixth
Mogwai is created and kept in the school for tests. The Mogwai manage to trick
Billy into feeding them after midnight and they become trapped in cocoons, as
does the sixth Mogwai.
Later, whilst Billy is out, the Mogwai hatch from their cocoons, now
reptilian-like Gremlins who are menacing and destructive. Mrs. Peltzer kills
three of the Gremlins, blowing one up in a microwave, the fourth decapitated by Billy. The sixth
Gremlin kills Mr. Anderson and escapes. Stripe escapes to a nearby swimming pool in an YMCA
centre, spawning a massive amount of Gremlins who go on a rampage across the
town with numerous casualties. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Futterman when
attacked by their snowplough although they survive, the local policemen, and the
town's taxing menace Mrs. Deagle who is launched out of a window on a
malfunctioning stair lift. Billy and Gizmo rescue Kate Beringer
when the Gremlins overrun the town's bar. Inside the post office, Kate laments
on how Christmas has been ruined again, her father previously dying whilst
trying to come down a chimney dressed as Santa Claus. The Gremlins' rampage falls silent
when they head to the cinema to watch Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs. Billy, Kate and Gizmo sneak backstage and ignite the
gasworks to destroy the cinema, killing all of the Gremlins.
However, Stripe survives having left the cinema to look for food and is
chased by Billy into a hardware store until he confronts him in a conservatory.
Stripe leaps into a water fountain and begins spawning, until Gizmo opens a
blind, dazzling Stripe with sunlight, causing him to rot away and die, Billy,
Kate and Randy (who has been at an inventor's convention) witnessing his
passing. Later, as the Peltzer family recuperate from the rampage, Mr. Wing
arrives to collect Gizmo, proclaiming that the western world is not ready for
Mogwai. As a form of apology, Randy gives Mr. Wing a unique ash tray, and Mr.
Wing concludes that perhaps Billy is ready to look after Mogwai, and leaves with
Gizmo. Randy ends the film warning viewers that if their electrical systems
break, then there "just might be a Gremlin in your house".
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