Gutterballs |
Do You Have The Balls? The movie starts late night at a bowling alley as a couple groups of teens come out to have a little fun during a late night bowling night. It appears that one of the girls, Lisa, is a bit promiscious. One of the guys at the alley happens to be a guy she was seeing at a time but we find out that she used him to get to his friend, which isnt the nies thing to do! Following her admittance of this Steve gets a little miffed and after a heated argument he and his buddies attack Lisa's transvestite friend Sam. A pretty big fight breaks out between the two groups and it starts to get bloody, until the alley Janitor breaks up the fight with his shotgun in hand. So the two groups break up and leave the alley and just as it looks like the end of the night Lisa realises that she left her purse inside so she goes back to get it, only to be attacked by Steve and his friends who ultimately beat her and rape her repeatedly, including the use of a bowling pin. It is this rape tha brings on our killer for the night, BBK, which I'm guessing stands for Bowling Ball Killer. The next night everyone comes back and it's obvious that none of Lisa's friends know what happened the night before. So it all starts out as the two teams being at each other's throats....but then BBK comes in and evens out the numbers by way of his bowling pin weapons. The rest of the movie is based on the death of thos ein attendance. Every time a bowler dies BBK gets a strike on the score board, and boy does he rack them up..... One after one the bowlers start falling off to the hands of BBK with one question parading in the minds of the survivors.......WHO THE HELL IS BBK? The ending will shock.....