Hellraiser III |
"Human dreams....such fertile ground for sowing the seeds of torment."
We start by being introduced to a failing TV news reporter, Joey Somerskill (Terry Farrell), who is desperate for a good story. Whilst on location at a local hospital she witnesses a man being rushed into hospital...but he is carried in with chains ripped into his flesh and dangling from his body. As he's laid up in the operating theatre his body is ripped apart, and for Joey this could be the opportunity she has been waiting for..... As all good reporters do she tracks down a lead, the girl who accompanied the man to the hospital, Terri. She further learns that her boyfriend is J.P Munro, a local nightclub owner who has recently acquired a strange ornamental pillar which amongst many hideous images contains pinheads facial features. This pillar of trapped souls was created at the end of the second film, following the stand off between the cenobites and Chinard. Terri takes Joey to the warehouse where she bought the statue, and they find a host of other trinkets that had been reclaimed form the Channard institute. And after JP cuts himself and blood ends up on the statue Pinhead begins to generate. He uses one of JP's conquests to assist his regeneration (you enjoyed the girl...so did I) but needs at least one more victim before he can break free from his prison. Meanwhile Joey gains possession of the lament configuration through Terri, and furthermore she experiences visions of Pinhead's mortal, human life as British army officer Elliot Spenser. We learn a bit more about Pinhead, and that Elliot and his demonic alter ego are now separate entities. He warns her that she must act quickly to defeat Pinhead, and that he can help her. However to beat Pinhead Elliot must come face to face with him, in Elliot's own dimension. This is the task faced by Joey, one that is made harder by the fact that Pinhead snares both JP Munro and Terri, leading to his escape from his prison. He unleashes an array of senseless killings, creating a bloodbath. However he wants the box, which is with Joey, and Joey needs to lure Pinhead to Elliot's domain. Therefore the film lurches to an explosive conclusion with a brilliant twist at the end...which I will not reveal.