Hellraiser VII - Deader |
"This world.....it obviously dissapoints you all...that is why you chose to begin this journey"
Undercover reporter Amy Klein is shown a disturbing video of 'deader's by her boss, Charles, which involves a demonstration of a ritualised killing...and the bringing back to life of the victim by a sinister looking guy. The only lead she has is a return address, in Bucharest. Whilst at the address she discovers an apparently dead woman, a video, a key...and the lament configuration. The girl from the flat, Marla, instructs the viewer to go to the train station and meet a guy called Joey, and tells them not to open the box...but Miss Klein just doesn't listen and pretty soon she meets the one and only Pinhead, albeit very briefly. She is also told about the man who has the ability to bring the dead back to life, going by the name of Winter. Klein reminds me of Gretel in this film, following the breadcrumbs which takes her on a strange, dangerous adventure. She ends up at the place which appeared on the video and Winter tells her that he has come to reclaim what is his, and he obviously needs Klein to do some of his work. Before we know it the intrepid reporter is back in her hotel room, where she struggles to work out if she is in fact dead or alive, although this is complicated by the insertion of a knife through her heart. It seems that at this point she is in the middle of a little game...and in one direction there is Pinhead and in the other Winter, who it seems is a descendant of the toymaker. Only Marla, whom I thought was dead, seems to be able to provide Klein with answers and leads her back to confront Winter and Pinhead. Along the way she also has to deal with her own personal demons, the appearance of her deceased, abusive father, and mysterious places where she seems to awake. For me the best part of this film is the last five minutes, which unsurprisingly coincides with the only lengthy appearance of Pinhead. The storyline is pretty average, and whilst Klein is tomb raider esque in appearance, this is not enough to save the film.