Night of the Demons II |
The day after the party, the county sherrif went in with his deputies. They found the bodies, or rather what was left of them. They were chopped, graded, sliced and diced, totally toasted! I'm talking ground-round. Their relatives could barely identify them, but they did. Every one of them,
everyone except Angela.
Six years have passed since the horrifying massacre at Hull House on Halloween. All the bodies were recovered apart from that of Angela's; and the rumour persists she descended bodily into Hell. As it turns out, her parents committed suicide a year later after receiving a Halloween card which contained Angela's signature. Her sister Melissa, nicknamed 'Mouse', is now staying at St. Rita's Academy, a Catholic boarding school for troubled teenagers. She frequently has nightmares about her sister, and rumours started by the school bully Shirley, spread like wildfire around the school. However, the head nun at the school, a strict Sister Gloria, attempts to dispel these by distributing her own forms of justice to the girls. However, Shirley, after getting banned from the school Halloween dance for wrestling on the tennis courts with Kurt (Ladd York) decides to have her own Halloween party at Hull House complete with Mouse and the potential for a ritual sacrifice. Along with her boyfriend Rick and Z-Boy (Darin Heames), she tricks Johnny (Johnny Moran), Johnny's girlfriend, Bibi, and Bibi's friend Terri to get Mouse to go with them to Hull House, awakening a now demonized Angela. After some bizarre incidents, the group flees the house, minus Z-Boy, who is possessed and raped by Angela in the attic. Unfortunately, Bibi brings a tube of lipstick out of the house which takes on a life of its own. It quickly possesses Shirley and, one by one, the teenagers are possessed and/or murdered by a demonic Angela, initially back at the school. However she requires mouse and plans to sacrifice her in the aim of proving her devotion to the Devil. It is left to Sister Gloria, Johnny, Bibi, Father Bob (Rod McCary) and Perry return to Hull House in an attempt to rescue Melissa. Once arriving at the house, the five become separated and Father Bob is quickly killed by the demonic Rick. Johnny is saved by Perry from the demonic Kurt. Unfortunately, Perry is killed by Z-Boy. With the holy water the group brought, Bibi, Johnny and Sister Gloria kill the remaining demons, except for Angela. After finishing off the demons, the three survivors find Melissa sleeping on an altar. Angela and Sister Gloria debate on what true faith is with Angela stating "Real faith can move mountains, your faith can't even move a mouse." Angela then decapitates Sister Gloria but due to her true faith, Sister Gloria's head grows back. With one last ruse to save Melissa and the others, Sister Gloria agrees to take her place on the altar. Angela then hands the sword to Melissa, promising her a great source of power if she kills Sister Gloria. However, Melissa turns the tables and stabs Angela instead. Sister Gloria finishes Angela off with a super soaker filled with holy water. But as the four try to leave, they are confronted again by Angela, who has taken the form of a giant serpent like creature. Angela attacks them but Johnny manages to kick a hole in the wall in the shape of a cross. The cross-shaped-sunlight falls upon Angela and she explodes. With Angela and her minions dead, Sister Gloria, Melissa, Bibi and Johnny leave the house and return to the school. But before the film ends, we see a student find the demonic lipstick which turns into a snake, hinting that it's not over yet.