You can't make things like that up, son. Killing people is wrong, destroying demons
is good. Don't worry, God will send you your own list when you're older.
A man enters the Dallas, Texas FBI office one rainy night, and introduces himself as
Fenton Meiks (Matthew McConaughey). He wants to speak to
Agent Doyle (Powers
Boothe) about his belief that his brother Adam (Levi Kreis) is the notorious "God's Hand" serial killer.
Fenton explains that he is only coming forward now because earlier that day
Adam had called him to say that he
cannot stop the "demons" because there are too many, and killed himself. Fenton
says that he stole Adam's body to bury it at the Thurman Rose Garden, according
to a promise the brothers made many years ago. Agent Doyle continues to be
skeptical, and Fenton unfolds through flashback the story of their childhood
with their widowed father (Bill
Paxton). When Fenton and Adam were young boys, their father tells them that he had
been tasked by God to root out and destroy
demons whose names were to be provided for him by an angel. Special tools have been given to aid him: gloves
to protect his hands, a lead pipe to knock them unconscious, and an axe named
'Otis' to destroy them with. At this news, Fenton mentally shuts down, refusing
to believe their father will really kill people, but Adam quickly believes their
father to be doing God's work.
Their father captures his first victim, a woman named Cynthia Harbridge (Cynthia Ettinger).
When he touches her, he claims he can "see" the sins she has committed, and has
no guilt when he uses Otis to "destroy" her. Both Fenton and Adam are forced to
witness this act; Fenton is traumatized, but Adam claims he can "see" the
woman's sins as well. Her body is buried outdoors in the Thurman Rose Garden which is next to the
Meiks house. Fenton tries to explain to Adam that their father has gone insane,
but Adam continues to believe him, leading Fenton to conclude that his younger
brother has been successfully brainwashed.
After the third victim is captured, Fenton decides to inform the town Sheriff
(Luke Askew). When Sheriff
Smalls arrives, Fenton's father kills him with the axe. Unlike the previous
acts, the father says that this one is "murder" and blames Fenton for forcing
him to commit it. The father confesses that the angel told him that Fenton is
also a demon and has to be killed. Fenton begs for mercy, and his father locks
him in the cellar. After being nearly starved to death, Fenton has a "vision of
God" and is let out Fenton, Adam and their father track down another supposed demon and capture
him. Fenton is given Otis to chop the man's head off, but he instead kills his
own father. Fenton moves to release the captured man, but Adam grabs the axe and
kills the "demon", apparently having taken over their father's work.
Back in the present, Agent Doyle is convinced that Fenton's story has weight,
and drives Fenton to the Thurman Rose Garden, where Adam would surely have
buried his victims. Once they arrive, it is revealed that the adult man who has
been calling himself "Fenton" is really Adam. However, the "God's Hand" killer
is the real Fenton, who kept the bodies of his victims as trophies in his house
basement. Fenton used the "God's Hand" nickname to lure Adam out, knowing that
his brother would have to kill him one day so to fulfill the task their father
could not do. Fenton has been buried in the Rose Garden, along with the many
demons Adam had "destroyed" over the years.
Adam also explains that he lured Agent Doyle there because he was on God's
list. When Adam touches Doyle's hand, a vision is revealed of Doyle killing his
own mother in cold blood. Adam picks up Otis from the undergrowth and destroys
Agent Doyle, burying him in the Rose Garden. The next day following Agent Doyle's disappearance, agents at the bureau
frantically try to find the "Fenton Meiks" he left the building with. Agent
Hull, who had met Adam-as-Fenton the previous night cannot remember the man's
face, and all security footage showing Adam's face has been distorted.
Eventually the FBI storm the real Fenton Meiks' house, and find evidence of his
killings, along with Agent Doyle's FBI badge. Agent Hull visits the local Sheriff's office, and the Sheriff is revealed to
be Adam Meiks. Agent Hull does not recognize him, and explains that his visit is
to inform him about his brother's death and killing spree. They shake hands,
during which Adam holds a moment too long only to tell the agent, "You're a good
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