He always takes one
The movie commences at a house....The owners, Larry and Gena Wharton
(Diane Goldner), come home from a night out drinking. While Gena goes upstairs,
Larry stays downstairs to read some mail. However, he finds that the lights
don’t work. Gena calls out for him, and so he rushes upstairs. In their bedroom
they find a big red box. Larry assumes one of the workers must’ve left it. On
top of the box is the message “for the collection”. The box suddenly moves.
Larry opens the box and is shocked to find what’s inside....a hand suddenly
reaches to grab him....
We then switch to another two-story house under
construction. Among the workers are an exterminator and a man named Arkin (Josh Stewart). The family
living in the house comprises of Michael (Michael Reilly Burke), his wife Victoria (Andrea
Roth), their teenage daughter Jill (Madeleine Zima), and their little girl Hannah
(Karley Scott Collins). Whilst outside, Arkin completes his work of putting
up bars.
After he finishes, Michael pays Arkin for his work and throws in a little extra
for Arkin’s daughter Cindy. Later, at home Arkin and his wife Lisa go to the kitchen, where she asks him
for the money. It turns out that Lisa owes money to loan sharks, and the
deadline is tonight. She’s planning on running away with Cindy since she can’t
pay them, but Arkin promises to get the money for her debt by midnight. Arkin
calls Roy (Robert
Wisdom) and wants to see him immediately. They meet at a strip club
and talk inside Roy’s car. Arkin is an ex-convict and Roy helped him out while
in prison. Arkin has been repaying Roy by picking locks and stealing things for
him. Arkin tells Roy that he’s been casing the house he’s been working on.
Michael is a jewel broker, and has a valuable jewel hidden in a safe. The family
is out of town now, and he needs Roy to pay him tonight. Roy finally agrees to
the change of plans and allows Arkin to leave.
Arkin drives back to the house at night, and we see that the house in the
middle of nowhere. He puts on a mask and grabs his tool bag. As he sneaks
towards the house, he is suddenly attacked by a dog. Arkin picks the lock to the back door of the house. He
enters and goes upstairs to the master bathroom and
lifts the mirror up, knowing that it covers the safe. He takes off his mask and
starts to crack the safe when he hears someone downstairs. The Collector (Juan
Fernandez), a killer who wears a black mask, locks the back door and starts to
come upstairs. Arkin quickly puts the mirror back, grabs his bag, and hides in
the other room while the Collector is on the other side of the wall. The
Collector goes into the bathroom, and Arkin sneaks downstairs. He tries to leave
but finds that there are several locks on the top of the back door, all of which
are now locked. There are also several locks on the front door as well. Arkin
decides to find another exit, but for his family’s sake, he decides to stay in
the house to get the jewel.
He goes back to the master bathroom and works on the safe again when he hears
screaming through the vent. Michael emerges from the basement, beaten and
bloody. Arkin hides his bag and goes to see what’s going on. He sees that The
Collector grab Michael. Arkin, having seen the
whole thing, decides to call 911. He picks up
the phone and doesn’t see that a spike has been placed in the receiver. When he
puts it to his ear, it stabs him. He decides to leave through a window, but he
finds that they are all boarded up. He tries to remove the boards, but some
hidden blades slam down on his hand. He tries to go to another door by the
dining room, but he slices his face on hidden razor sharp wires tied across the
room. He realizes that there are several traps hidden around the house. Arkin has two choices –
go upstairs or go to the basement. He chooses the basement.
Arkin uses his flashlight to see when he gets startled by something. He turns
on the light and sees that Michael has been tied to a chair. He’s bloodier than
before, having been tortured with deep gashes all over his body and feet. Arkin
asks where the rest of his family is. Victoria is in the basement as well, Jill
is out with her boyfriend, and he doesn’t know if Hannah is still in the house
or not. Michael tells him that he has a gun in the safe upstairs and gives him
the combination. Arkin goes into the other room,
where he finds Victoria chained to a bathtub. She also has duct tape pinned over
her eyes. He wants her to scream,
so that when the Collector comes downstairs, he can sneak back upstairs. He
tells her to stop screaming once the killer comes back down there so that he
won’t hurt her. Victoria screams, causing the Collector to come downstairs.
Arkin sneaks upstairs and goes to the master bathroom. He opens the safe and
grabs the pistol inside. He also takes the jewel - The only problem is that there are no bullets for the gun.
Arkin looks all over for Hannah, but doesn’t find her. He hears a noise
coming from a closet. He opens the closet and finds a big red box inside, which
is moving. He opens the box and Larry lunges out. His legs are chained to the
box. Arkin asks him who he is and what he’s doing there. Larry explaims that the
Collector collects people. When he finds someone that he likes, he’ll capture
them in the box and use them as bait for his next victims. He’ll kill everyone
else, like his wife Gena. Larry yells for Arkin to get out while he still can,
but Arkin puts him back in the box. Arkin goes into Jill’s room and sees that
the window is wide open. He doesn’t see that the floor is covered in some
yellow/orange substance. Arkin takes a couple of steps in it and realizes that
it’s acid. Arkin jumps on the bed and tries to retrieve his shoes, but they are
stuck in the acid, along with the cat. The cat tries to free itself but
screeches in pain - The Collector goes upstairs and hears Larry in the box...kicking
Arkin grabs a paper clip and sneaks into the basement again. Once there, he
finds that Michael has been hung upside down and killed. He goes to the other
room and frees Victoria from the bathtub (using the paper clip to pick the
handcuffs). Yet, the collector finds her and repeatedly stabs her in the chest,
causing her to fall down the stairs into the basement. Arkin hides under a desk
as the Collector drags the still alive Victoria back to the tub. Arkin uses the
opportunity to escape back upstairs. The Collector sews Victoria’s mouth shut
and records her screams. Arkin breaks a window with a lamp to try to escape, but
then hears a car outside.
Jill and her boyfriend Chad (Alex Feldman) return.
The Collector also hears the car and goes upstairs. Arkin tries to warn them not
to come in the house, but it starts to rain outside, causing his screams to go
unnoticed. Jill and Chad go inside the house and continue to fool around,
oblivious to all the traps around them. They go to the kitchen. Arkin sneaks downstairs and crawls
underneath the dining room table. Jill eventually notices the Collector nearby
and becomes scared. The Collector readies his knife and approaches the couple.
He stabs Chad through the hand and pushes him through the doorway, where he a
trap causes a cleaver to slice his fingers off. Chad then steps into the dining
room, where his leg gets stuck in a bear trap. He falls to his knees, causing
his other leg to get caught. He finally falls backwards, where he is graphically
killed by a plethora of bear traps. The Collector grabs Jill and locks the back
door again. She calls 911, but he pulls her away before she can say
anything. Despite Arkin's best efforts he is eventually snared by the Collector.
Arkin has been placed in the basement. He
is handcuffed and there are
several fish hooks impaling his back. The Collector wakes Arkin up by slicing
his forehead with a knife. Arkin sees Hannah hiding under the desk and pleads
with the killer to let Hannah go. Another car arrives at the house. It’s a cop responding to Jill’s
911 call. The Collector leaves the basement. The cop looks into a window of the
house and sees Chad’s mangled corpse. He goes around back and finds the
Collector standing outside. While the cop tries to arrest him, the dog lunges at
him and rips his throat open. The Collector then breaks the cop’s neck, killing
him. Arkin painfully tears himself free of the hooks and gets Hannah. They find
that Victoria is dead in the bathtub. Arkin sees that the Collector has filled
the tub with gasoline and realizes that he plans to burn the house down. The
Collector grabs the cop’s shotgun and enters the house with his dog.....can
Arkin and Hannah escape????
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