An evil entombed for 2000 years... until now.
An elite group of soldiers led by Mack (Cuba Gooding, Jr.), are sent by a CIA agent named Elissa Cardell
(Valerie Cruz) to rescue a
scientist named Wesley (Ron
Perlman), who is working on an archeological dig site and is Cardell's
father, in the Middle
Eastern desert. When they enter the dig site, which is a large underground
laboratory, they encounter a priest who has strange boils all over his body. The
team's medic, Doc (Taryn
Manning) sedates the priest. Click (Brandon Fobbs) uses the dig sites terminal to
activate the elevator and notices something codenamed the Gehenna Project and
asks Cardell if she knows what it is but she denies knowing about it. Mack
orders Nickels (Zack Ward) to
stay and watch the priest while the rest of the team takes the elevator deeper
into the dig site.
When they exit the elevator they encounter a scientist named Duncan (Bill Moseley) who has strange
boils like the priest. Duncan attacks Hammer (Franky G) but is shot in the chest by Mack. While
treating Duncan's wound, Doc has a hallucination of her sister angry at her for
letting her die. Duncan and Doc disappear but the team uses Doc's tracking
device to follow after them. The team splits up and Yoshi (Stephanie
Jacobsen) folllows a hallucination of her and Hicks's (Jason London) unborn
daughter. The team runs into Duncan who is trying to open the door to the safe
room. Duncan yells at the team about their ignorance to salvation and Mack
shoots him in the head, which strangely doesn't kill him but when the entire
team shoots him he finally dies.
The door to the safety room is opened from the inside revealing a priest
named Fulton (Henry
Rollins), who Cardell knows, tells them that Doc was likely taken to the
temple and he agrees to take them there. The team notices that Yoshi is missing
and when they find her, she tells the team of her hallucination and Fulton
explains that the possessed use visions to tempt humans, Mack then duct tapes
Fulton's mouth shut. Nickels hallucinates a nude woman and he is attacked by the
priest, Nickels fights back with a knife but has his arm broken and the priest
spits a dark fluid in his mouth, then drags him away.
Click is separated from the team and encounters Doc locked in some room and
when he tries to help her he is attacked by a possessed obese scientist but is
rescued by Mack and Hammer throws explosives in the corridor where the scientist
is which causes the passage to collapse. Fulton and the team arrive at the
temple where they learn from Fulton and Cardell that the scientists are
possessed because they absorbed the spirit of a Nephilim, which is frozen in the temple, to prevent it
from escaping. Fulton explains that the dig site is one of many tombs created by
God to imprison Nephilims. Yoshi follows the
hallucination to Doc, who is possessed, kisses Yoshi then cuts her back open.
When the team notices that Yoshi is missing, Hicks and Hammer try to find her.
when they find her, she attacks Hammer who aims his gun at her after he notices
that she has developed boils, Hicks points his gun at Hammer who tries to tell
Hicks that Doc is possessed, Hicks doesn't believe him and shoots at Hammer who
manages to run away.
Hicks then chases Doc and then finds Yoshi, whose spine is exposed, he tries
to help her but she attacks him and then Doc rips his throat out. Hammer arrives
back at the temple to tell Mack about Doc and Hicks.
Fulton realizes that Cardell activated the Gehenna Project with Click's
unintentional help , which is a self destruct device for the dig site, and runs
for the elevator alone. The soldiers only have fifteen minutes to get to the
elevator before the explosion. The door to the temple slowly starts closing.
Mack, Cardell, and Click make it out of the temple but Hammer gets locked in the
temple and surrounded by possessed scientists, he puts up a fight but is
overwhelmed and sets off his grenades killing himself and the possessed
scientists attacking him. Fulton is pushed into barbed wire by Doc who then
slits his throat.
Mack, Cardell, and Click arrive at the area where they encountered Duncan for
the first time, and they meet up with Wesley who is possessed but doesn't have
the boils. Doc and Nickel's, who is now possessed, arrives and Mack and Click
shoot him and a few other possessed until the possessed priest grabs Click and
drags him away and kills him. Mack has a hallucination of his old best friend
Blakely (Ray Winstone) who
Mack was ordered to murder years ago. Mack resists and shoots an explosive
barrel next to Wesley which burns him and kills Doc and the hallucination of
Blakely. Cardell stands over Wesley and sets his soul free, when Mack tells her
that they have to leave she refuses saying that her goal was to set her father's
soul free. Mack makes it to the elevator alone and escapes the dig site seconds
before the explosion. Mack is then picked up by the helicopter and realizes that
he has a new purpose in the world, that hes a new soldier in a very old war.
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