Humans are such easy prey.
The movie opens to Dr. Crawford Tillinghast (Jeffrey Combs) working on a machine called The
Resonator. He powers up the instrument and soon witnesses strange creatures in
the air. He reaches out to them but is bit on the cheek, and runs to alert his
partner and head scientist, the sadistic and deranged Dr. Edward Pretorius (Ted
Sorel). Meanwhile a nosy neighbor phones the police upon witnessing strange
lights and noises emanating from the scientists' study. Her dog, Bunny, runs
outside and into the open door to the scientists' house, where upstairs Edward
is feeling the vibrations all through his pineal gland in his brain from the machine. He tells Crawford that it is like
an "orgasm of the mind." Bunny runs up the stairs and as the pursuing neighbor
grabs him, Crawford smashes down the door of the attic laboratory with an axe,
screaming and running outside, with the neighbor at his heels. Bunny has gone up
into the attic and is licking the blood off the decapitated corpse of Edward, as
the police swarm the house, arresting Crawford.
The setting changes to a schizophrenic ward, and we now see the bitter Dr.
Bloch (Carolyn
Purdy-Gordon) being introduced to a new brain doctor, Dr. Katherine
McMichaels (Barbara
Crampton), who would like to see Crawford. Dr. Bloch introduces them, and
Crawford begins to explain The Resonator and what all happened the night of the
murder, making it sound as if he's crazy. They decide to have a brain scan and
notice that his pineal
gland (in the brain) has grown, and Katherine decides to have him return to
the house and show them The Resonator. Dr. Bloch is extremely jealous and
refuses, but a detective who is on the case of Dr. Pretorius's death overrides
her authority, releasing Crawford to the supervision of Dr. McMichaels.
Katherine tells Crawford that she believes him and together with the tough-guy
detective, Bubba Brownlee (Ken
Foree), she takes Crawford back to the house.
Once inside, while trying to find the power, Bubba and Katherine lose sight
of Crawford and begin to look around the house, finding that the late Edward
practiced BDSM. They locate Crawford in the
attic with The Resonator, reliving the night of Edward's death. Katherine and
Crawford immediately begin to rebuild the machine, which had been disabled by
Crawford with an axe the night of the murder. Upon completing the repairs and
eating dinner, Bubba joins them in the attic laboratory. Crawford tells them not
to move when the creatures come out, since they can sense movement and will
attack them. He turns the machine on and they see the leech-like creatures. They
then start to feel the vibrations and begin to feel the pleasure. Bubba goes up
to the leeches and touches one, only to have it bite his wrist which prompts him
to draw his pistol and shoot at them. The presumed-dead Edward then shows up in
the corner of the attic. His skin is slimy and lumpy, and he is naked, but
speaking and behaving normally. He tells them that the world beyond is much more
pleasurable then this world and that they should join him. Crawford touches
Edward's shoulder which sinks in on contact, and as Crawford steps back in
horror Edward's head begins to break apart and spew goo, provoking Crawford to
shut off The Resonator.
It is now morning, and the three discuss the creatures over breakfast.
Katherine - who insists that the Resonator could possibly cure schizophrenia -
suggests that they turn the machine back on, but Bubba and Crawford disagree.
They all go to sleep, each with a headache. But while everyone is sleeping,
Katherine gets back up to feel the pleasure from the machine and turns it back
on, bringing forth a worried Crawford and the now almost unrecognizable Edward
who is mutated and covered in slime. Bubba enters the scene as Edward grabs
Katherine and rips off her clothes, preparing to eat her mind and take her to
the world of beyond. Crawford and Bubba go down into the basement to shut off
the power, and are attacked by giant leech creatures that had grown in the
vibration waves. Meanwhile Edward is getting ready to eat Katherine's head, as
Crawford is eaten by a giant leech. Bubba succeeds in shutting off the power,
bringing a hairless Crawford back, and sending Edward away. The freed Katherine
then turns off the machine and meets the others downstairs, crying and feeling
ashamed for turning it back on.
Bubba decides that they should leave the house, but as Katherine puts lotion
on Crawford's inflamed skin, she expresses her desire to monitor the machine to
figure out where the creatures are coming from. Bubba refuses and tells her to
go get dressed. She begins to explore other parts of the house, finding Edward's
old S&M outfits and putting one on. She then starts to tease a sleeping
Crawford, until Bubba comes in and tells her to snap out of it, which she does,
throwing a robe over the outfit. All of a sudden the power returns and The
Resonator turns back on, as all three of them run up into the attic to
deactivate it. Katherine and Crawford are attacked by little bee-like creatures
that strip the flesh off of their victims, and as Bubba pushes them out of the
way, he is devoured to the bone. A now almost fully mutated Edward, without any
legs or proper arms, grabs Katherine and starts to drag her flesh torn, bleeding
body towards him. Crawford fights Edward and succeeds in freeing Katherine but
then has an antenna like appendage pop out of his forehead. Katherine short
circuits the machine by spraying it repeatedly with a fire extinguisher.
She then takes Crawford back to the hospital, where she is evaluated for
insanity and schizophrenia, since her story was just like Crawford's and she is
blamed by Dr. Bloch and the police for this evening's events. As punishment for
her alleged crimes, Dr. Bloch then orders for Katherine to get shock treatment.
Dr. Bloch then goes to perform an autopsy on an undead Crawford, who is on the
lookout for brains to eat with the use of his antenna. As Katherine is being
prepared for shock treatment by a sadistic staff member, Crawford attacks and
eats Dr. Bloch's brains. Katherine escapes, getting new clothes, and driving
back to the house with a bomb. Crawford sees her go and chases after her.
Katherine then puts the bomb on The Resonator and sets it for 5 minutes, and
goes to leave, only to have Crawford chain her up in Edward's S&M room,
claiming that he loves her. As he is about to eat her brains, she bites off his
antenna, and the leech creatures sense her movement and bite through the chains,
releasing her, only to have her and Crawford be pulled into the attic by a
completely deformed, mutated Edward. He begins to try and eat her, and a now
normal Crawford begins to fight him. Crawford is consequently eaten and
digested, in which his skeleton begins to gnaw away at Edward's skin and
muscles, making him dissolve in his own digestive fluids. Katherine finally
frees herself and jumps out the attic window, right as the whole attic explodes.
She lands on her legs, breaking one, and as the neighbors gather around her, she
goes from sobbing to laughing hysterically.
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