Everybody bleeds...
During opening credits, shown an old video about a woman who was teaching
three children about human body and killing. The end of video shown, the threes
manage to kill a man who the head is covered. (But the kill is offscreen).
Then, in present time, Bandung.
Adjie and Astrid are a married couple who will go to Sydney to get new job and new life, they, with their
friend who accompany them; Alam, Eko, and Jimmy, they go to airport with Jimmy’s car.
On the road, Adjie decided to meet Ladya, her sister, convinces her to go with
him to Sydney or maybe just accompany him to airport. But Ladya, who still
blames Adjie for their parent’s death, doesn’t want to. With some accidents in
Ladya’s workplace, she finally goes. When they left Ladya’s workplace, they meet
a beautiful woman named Maya. She confessed that she robbed a bank and can’t go
to her house, so, feeling pity; they take Maya and bring her to her house.
They drive the car to the middle of nowhere, in Maya’s house, they meet
another family of her, Dara, Maya’s mother who the face is looking so young with
her scary stare and mysterious body language. Adam, Maya’s second brother who's
very gentleman and masculine, then Arman, The first son of Dara, who's fat and
never speak any word. After an introduction and Dara’s given a secret potion to
Astrid, they go to dinner after little forcing by the family. Adjie and Astrid
go upstairs to a room for a rest. Unluckily, the rest of our friends who take
the dinner, get sleep drugs in their food and make they’re fall asleep. And they
taken by Arman to a cellar, with Alam still in the dinner table. Alam who
seduced by Maya, got slashed by her until he finds Adam who broken his arm and
make him collapse.
The broken, saw by Adjie and Astrid, and when they manage to go upstairs,
Adjie caughts by Adam and Astrid lock herself in her room. And she get a
briefing by Dara about women strength from outside. Dara tells her that the
potion give to her is for make her baby can birth faster. Then, Astrid finds a
small window and sees a car coming to the house. When Astrid begs to helped, the
woman turns down from the car is Dara’s friend. Then, she got several icebox by
Maya contains meat, reveals the condition and reason for the family slaughter.
The family is cannibals, and they is corporate with secret organization in
attempt to get immortality. The family search the victims and sent the meats to
the organization which want an immortal life too. Astrid, doesn't know it, her
amniotic fluid is
coming, with the locked door, she must order the birth with her only to help
Astrid who now have a son, coming out from the room and embraces with his
husband, unknowingly by them, Dara enters the room and takes the baby, the baby
is taken for her, and Dara tells them if they want to reach way out from here,
they can do it, but if they want to take the baby back, they should to be dead
this night. Astrid follows Dara to the room beside, and Adjie goes to another
room for help.
While in the cellar, Arman who slaughtered Adam, now choose Ladya as his next
victim. But Ladya can escaped, make him unconscious, breaks the cellar and set
Eko and Jimmy free. After escape, they walked to house in attempt to save the
married couple, but Maya comes from them and brought a crossbow, shots Eko’s
left ear and make them go inside the forest. In the forest, Adam chases them.
Ladya can free from him and go inside the house, Jimmy dead because his neck
broken by Adam and Eko who can walks through forest and finds the road, shined
by car light.
Adjie who enters a room filled by baby corpses and preserved baby. Then he
meets her wife who the neck is stabbed by iron bun. When Adjie finds Astrid
dead, he strangles Dara for a revenge, but Dara who can stabs his torso with her
finger, strangle him back until he left unconscious. Then Ladya who now in
there, Arman grabs her and brought her upstairs, and rape her.
Dara and Maya back to front door with Adam is there, some polices patrol
there found Eko and bring him to their car. Then, the four police separated. The
two go upstairs and the rest of lack the first floor. One of the police found
the video contains same video in the first scene of the film, scare, he drops a
collection of photographs. The photos dated very strange, Adam, Arman, and Maya
had their photo in 1912, while Dara, dated 1889. In upstairs, Arman who rapes
Ladya, stabbed in the eye with wooden stick by Ladya for escape. Arman screams
loudly, make the polices prepare for attack. Adam, turn off the lamps and the
family, slaughtered the police off. The head of the police can runs to front
door; he can take his shotgun and shots Maya. Dara who just kills inside, runs
to front door , takes the shotgun and kills the head of the police. Then Dara
who found injured Maya, broken her neck to ends her daughter pain.
Arman goes outside of room with the wooden stick inside his eye, he slits one
of the police throat and they died together. Ladya runs to the room where Adjie
unconscious, she finds Astrid body, and they attacked by Adam. When Adam fights
with Adjie, Eko comes to them and stabs Adam with sword, Adam who very strong,
can take the sword, then his head poured by formalin liquid from Adjie. Knowing this, Ladya takes
her lighter and drops it to Adam, Adam got burned and runs to another room. Eko
goes downstairs alone, and got slashed with chainsaw by Dara. In upstairs, Ladya
and Adjie attacked once more by Adam. Ladya who still kept the sword, slits
Adam’s throat and together with Adjie, they decapitated Adam.
Ladya and Adjie place the baby in one of clean side of the house which still
dirty by blood. Ladya takes revenge to Dara, the last villain. Ladya goes to
dinner room and attacked by Dara with chainsaw after Ladya founds Eko’s
amorphous body. Ladya with sword and Dara with chainsaw, fight. Ladya escapes to
another side of dinner table and runs outside the room, but Dara can slash
Ladya’s foot until blood squirts. And Dara who ready to attacks Ladya, knocked
by Adjie, make Ladya safe. Then Dara who still grabs the chainsaw, slashes Adjie
in shoulder. Adjie who founds a gun beside him, thrown it to Ladya. Ladya takes
the gun and shots Dara, then she strangles Dara with Dara’s necklace. Dara who
lays in the floor, kicked by Ladya, then Ladya reunites with Adjie, and
apologize him, Adjie accepts it and died after gives Ladya testament to cares
her nephew.
In the morning, Ladya escapes from the house with his nephew in her grabs.
She places her nephew in the box in the backseat of polices car. Ladya starts
the car, but before the car moves, Dara punches the car’s window to grabs Ladya.
Ladya runs the car to the forest road, she opens the car door and moves the car
back, make the door who grabbed by Dara hits a big tree. Ladya looks Dara’s
body, and [smile can safe from the bloody game last night. She said to her
nephew, “We go home,” and Ladya runs the car to outside of forest. Unknowingly
by her, Dara’s bloody hand, slowly moving, then film ends.
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