The New Face of Fear
A teenager, Stacy, is told the story of sadley, an internet urban legend. Stacy gets mysteriously and violently killed while chatting with a stranger online. Ashley and Proxy move into a house together. After getting acquainted they go to a party hosted by Zane, an internet hacker, and Binder. At the party Ashley hears the story of Smiley and doubts its reality. The next day Ashley and Proxy decide to try the Smiley test by typing "I did it for the lulz" three times in a video chat with a random user named Flasher, who is mysteriously murdered. The girls are terrified but decide not to report the incident to the police. Days later Proxy and Ashley attend another party and Ashley asks for more information about Sadley. Intoxicated, she runs into Sadley, who teases her and rips her shirt. She wakes up the next morning in her bed. She tells Proxy what happened, but Proxy dismisses it as a dream. They visit Zane, who tells them that, despite his ability to retrieve most information on the web he has no clue as to what's happening. She decides to leave, but while walking home Zane pulls her away and confronts her about what she did. Terrified and paranoid, Ashley tries to convince Proxy of what is happening, but her roommate leaves. She goes to one of her college professors, Clayton, who scares her further. She tries to get help from a cop, Diamond, who thinks she's crazy and shrugs her off. She goes to Zane’s house and is shocked to find him dead. Ashley grabs Zane's gun just as Sadley appears and chases her until Smiley loses track of Ashley. Back at her house, Ashley shoots at an intruding figure, only to discover Binder. She tries to help him, but Smiley comes in and slits his throat. Smiley chases Ashley up to her room, where she finds other Smiley killers. Backed to a window, she jumps. Zane, Flasher, and others presumably killed by Smiley are revealed wearing smiley costumes. Binder tells them that Sadley is alive and that many others are copying his methods in order to keep the legend alive. The film ends with Zane talking to Proxy via video chat. Then Sadley appears on the video and kills her. Post credits however.....Ashley opens her eyes and gasps, showing that she is still alive.